Hotel Caruso, Ravello, Italy
WHY HTM 333–PROPERTY MANAGEMENT? Objectives : Refresh knowledge of instructional design Incorporate technology Gain practical experience creating online instruction Research: Local public schools, colleges, and universities Decision: GVSU Hospitality and Tourism Management Dept., Property Management – required, new prof., hybrid
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Required undergraduate course – Prepare future hospitality managers for ever-increasing demands of hotel and lodging guests Knowledge-intensive course Traditional classroom format Course lends itself to online or hybrid instruction
NEEDS ASSESSMENT Innovation Model – Changes in learners, changes in guests Contextual Analysis - Industry professionals, - Superior computer technology - Strategic plan embraces multiple ways of learning Learner Analysis - Late teens, junior or senior standing - “Net” generation students - Little prior knowledge of subject Learning Goal - Water & Wastewater Systems - Intellectual skills - Identify systems, usage patterns, problems, trends Assessments - Quiz, discussion forum, write short papers
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Delivery – Online module Read chapter, review presentation, watch videos, study lecture notes Conduct research about relevant topics - Conserve and manage water use - Wastewater management presentation for meeting Participate in chatroom discussion led by instructor Write short papers
INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Power Point presentations Discussion forum questions Practical application instructions for research and short papers Videostreams - Fountains of Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas - Typhoon Lagoon Water Park, Disney
LESSONS LEARNED Sound instructional design comes first, technology second Breaking down objectives into small learning units is time consuming, but necessary Rubrics for assessing learning provide clarity Course mapping for online learning is a good tool Be careful about not taking on more work than one can handle There is so much more to learn!