Riding the waves or caught in the tide? Insights from the IFLA Trend Report Frédéric Blin, IFLA Treasurer June 16th, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Riding the waves or caught in the tide? Insights from the IFLA Trend Report Frédéric Blin, IFLA Treasurer June 16th, 2014

Who am I? Head of Preservation and Heritage Collections, National and University Library of Strasbourg (France) Member of the Governing Board of IFLA since August 2011 IFLA Treasurer since August 2013 Chair of the IFLA Trend Report Working Group between December 2011 and August 2013 Member of the National Organizing Committee of the WLIC 2014 in Lyon

IFLA : The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions IFLA : more than 1500 members in more than 150 countries Annual conference with ~3500 participants, from 160 countries. Next one in Lyon, France, August Core activities: professionnal development, freedom of access to information and freedom of expression (FAIFE), norms and standards, copyright, preservation of documentary heritage… Observer by the UN, UNESCO, WIPO… Current topics: Internet governance E-book Exceptions and limitations to copyright laws for libraries and archives World Summit on the Information Society UN Post-2015 development goals …

IFLA : the global voice of libraries IFLA : The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

The IFLA Trend Report Main goal : produce a resource to help IFLA members reflect on the future of libraries and of their missions and actions as librarians IFLA GB working group ( ): F. Blin, I. Lunden (Sweden), C. Mckenzie (Australia). Since August 2013: chaired by L. Garcia-Febo (USA) From a Vision Report to a Trend Report : look outside the libraries’ world, to identify the major trends today and in the near future in the broader field of information, which will potentially impact on the role and activities of libraries

The IFLA Trend Report : the genesis 2012 : definition of the objectives, of the methodology and of budget 2013 : Jan.: Littérature review; creation of an online repository of liniks Feb: Written submissions by international experts March: Expert roundtable in Mexico City

L’IFLA Trend Report : la genèse Participants to the Mexico City roundtable, March 4-5, 2013

2012 : definition of the objectives, of the methodology and of budget 2013 : Jan.: Littérature review; creation of an online repository of liniks Feb: Written submissions by international experts March: Expert roundtable in Mexico City April: Written synthesis of the Mexico rountable May: Additional key questions debated by experts on online platform discussion forum June: Wider group of experts invited to contribute and comment July: All the elements are published on the Trend Report online platform August: Insights document produced highlighting 5 top level trends; official launch of the platform during the WLIC2013 in Singapore The IFLA Trend Report : the genesis

Official launch of the online platform trends.ifla.org by IFLA President Ingrid Parent, during the WLIC 2013 congress in Singapore, August 19th, 2013

What can you find on the platform? => Trends.ifla.org All resources produced: littérature review, experts contributions, summary of the Mexico City roundtable The Insights Document An open discussion forum Events and news Open for further contributions!

The IFLA Trend Report : since last year Our goal : That the IFLA community engages and reflects on the conclusions, informations, questions, hyptheses… contained in the report This is not a closed resource, but an ongoing collaborative work that needs to be enriched by external contributions

The Insights document was translated in several languages: French 5 other official IFLA languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish But also: Estonian, Finnish, Malay, Norwegian, Swedish The IFLA Trend Report : since last year

Presented and discussed in many countries: Yuzhno-Sakhaline, Russia London (UK) Helsinki (Finland) Virginia (USAs) Hamilton (New-Zeland) Rome (Italy) Havana (Cuba) Canberra (Australia) Bremen(Germany), Stockholm (Sweden), Singapore, Brasil, Ghana, Mexico… Next Friday in Paris + many publications… The IFLA Trend Report : since last year

The IFLA Trend Report in Lyon IFLA WLIC in Lyon : 1st anniversary of the Trend Report Several sessions around the Trend Report : Library standards: confluence with world trends Future trends in leadership and management Disrupting and Colliding : New Trends for Access, Privacy, Learning, Empowerment and Technology Aug.20th, MLAS: What's next? Moving on from the IFLA Trend Report IFLA President Sinikka Sippilä‘s theme: Strong Libraries, Strong Societies

The 5 top level trends

Themes and questions: When information is so easy to share – can anyone really own it? Trend 1: New technologies will both expand and limit who has access to information Explosion of mobile access to information Information and computer literacy Next billion connected people, from the developing world Tension between intellectual property and technological innovation Questioning of ownership and content TPMs vs Commons Challenges on business models of online service providers

Themes and questions: If online education is free, then how much is it really worth? Trend 2: Online education will transform and disrupt traditional learning E-learning, MOOCS: transformation of the global learning landscape Increased importance of lifelong learning The education market and the impact on education institutions Open access to information and science Cost of education

Themes and questions: Who’s profiting from your personal information? Trend 3: The boundaries of data protection and privacy will be redefined Privacy Trust of citizens towards their governments / towards their search engines Control of private data by compagnies and governments Net neutrality One global internet vs multiple national networks: the end of the Internet? Google glasses

Themes and questions: Who will be most empowered by greater transparency and citizen access to public sector data – politicians, citizens or corporations? Trend 4: Hyper-connected societies will listen to and empower new groups E-democracy E-government Open Data Role of internet in social revolutions New modes of political engagement Role and opportunities for women Simulated virtual environments and open data for more effective evidence-based policy-making

Themes and questions: When your phone, you car and your wristwatch know where you are at all times – who runs your life? Trend 5: The global information economy will be transformed by new technologies 3-D printing Automatic translations Artificial intelligence Globalization of access to markets Upraising of developing countries Impact on demographic movements The Internet of things

Trends accross the trends Demography Global vs Local Information literacy Privacy and control: the Snowden impact Role of information for Development Copyright and commons

Opportunities for libraries? Libraries as: Players in the education and lifelong learning of people Keepers of neutrality and privacy Places for technological and economic experiments and innovations Defenders of the citizens’ rights to information access and usage Engines for social and economic development

« Strong Libraries, Strong Societies »: WSIS +10 Internet Governance Forum UN Post-2015 Development goals: Beyond Access ; Lyon Declaration TLIB, an international WIPO Treaty on exceptions and limitations to copyright laws for libraries and archives Building Strong Library Associations What is IFLA doing?

Conclusion Engage! Disseminate! Exchange! Contribute! The IFLA Trend Report is for you!

Conclusion And of course, support IFLA !

Thank you for your attention, and see you all soon in Lyon and Strasbourg ! Frédéric Blin On LinkedIn and