Montare Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting Clearview Center - November 19, 2008
Agenda 7:00 Meeting Begins /Agenda Review/Introductions 7:10 Annual Meeting and Election Process 7: HOA Report Card Work Efforts and Accomplishments Communications Committees Financials 7: Presentation Goals Financial Plans 8:30 Election Results/Committee Commitments 8:45 Open Dialog 8:55 Acknowledgements 9:00 Meeting Adjourns
Meeting and Election Process Meeting Formality Review Confirm attendee sign in Confirm quorum requirements Ten percent of membership required for quorum Ten percent of membership required for quorum Record proxies Meeting etiquette and parliamentary procedure BOD Election Bob U’s BOD term expires 12/31/2008 Remaining BOD members for 2009 are Mike G and Karen B Confirm 2009 candidates on record: Ann T Ann T Cast ballots or confirm election of board member
Montare HOA 2008 in Review HOA Dues: 2008 and pending balances for 2007 are all paid in full Community survey completed and used for goal setting and establishing/reviewing priorities Community Website and BOD launched Service provider recommendation list rolled out 2008 landscaping and general outdoor initiatives Common area barking completed* Lawn aeration/de-thatching Lawn moss treatment Drainage project completed on 74 th ST* Park play set cleaned and stained * Park play set repaired Park asphalt sealed Park fence repair and reinforcement Graffiti clean up * Neighborhood Watch sign replacement* Country repair of tree damage to 205 th ST pavement Removal of pest trees adjoining common areas Dangerous trees removed from common area *Substantial savings realized through collaborative community support
Montare HOA 2008 in Review Community Events Revised social event funding process implemented Easter Egg Hunt, Community Picnic, and Halloween Party held Homeowner Projects The ACC supported the community through the vetting of many projects and issue resolution One homeowner project in 2008 necessitated a fine Community Action and Participation Waste Management Greenwater facility Rural Lands Management Community Transit Highway 9 Highland Vista Collaboration
Communications Enhancements Montare Website and Montare BOD group address: Montare Website and Montare BOD group address: Both were launched in Spring 2008 Montare BOD Allows ease of communication to all three board members and the ability for the board to communicate as one voice Allows immediate access to archived communications for current and future BOD members Conveys a professional business appearance to outside service providers Financial Impact - None Montare Website: Webmaster: Allows us to greatly reduce communications Provides quick reference to general community documentation; CC&R’s, and ACC process/forms A central location to permanently house meeting minutes, calendars of events, service provider recommendations, and other information that impacts our community Financial Impact - None
Community Volunteer Groups Montare Board of Directors and HOA support BOD: Bob, Mike, Karen B. Treasurer: Laura W Secretary: Cindy F Accountant: Susan R Web Master: April G-S ACC: Contact-Darrel, Dianne, Mandy, Karen, Stan A five member group has worked well This number provides tie-breaking ability with a group large enough to capture diverse opinions, yet reach rapid resolution Landscape Committee: Contact-Donna, Anne, Laura A busy year full of achievements; the landscape committee researches and facilitates much of the proactive maintenance and beautification of our common areas
Community Volunteer Groups Social Committee: Contact-Laura, Anne, Ruth, Georgina Three of our four committee members will be cycling off at the end of In order to continue the Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween Party, the SC will need two-three new volunteers to head up these events. Our 2008 voluntary pre-pay approach has been successful enough to continue in Please help keep this manageable and avoid situations by paying our SC fee if you plan to attend any events in Neighborhood Watch: Contact-Chris C. Multiple events have taken place this year in the form of potential safety issues, damage and theft. Thanks to this committee and those who have raised concerns, we have been able to be proactive and avoid escalation of issues Please continue to loop in Chris and the BOD of any concerns that would potentially result in a threat to our community Welcome Committee: Contact-Laura, Shelley There has been one new family joining the Montare community this year
ACC Recap The volunteer ACC team is in place to serve as a resource for guidance, and facilitation of approval prior to the start of exterior home and property projects as defined in our CC&R’s All ACC-related information is easily accessible on our community website process expectations timelines project submittal forms community covenants referrals from fellow neighbors ACC member and BOD contact information Plan for Success follow the simple procedures outlined on our website avoid incurring unanticipated costs through fines and/or project rework be sensitive to the time commitment of the volunteers and to the importance of your project by submitting projects prior to beginning work account for a 30-day approval turn around time in your project plan ask questions up front
2008 Budget Review/Financial Highlights BudgetBudget Spreadsheet Budget
2008 Budget Review/Financial Highlights Montare HOA Reserves 2007 Year End 2008 Projected 2009 Plan (maintain, with growth through interest only) $*****$*****$*****
2009 Budget BudgetBudget Spreadsheet Budget
2009 Goals Maintain effective communications Practice good fiscal discipline Enhance ACC process and compliance Maintain Montare’s reputation as a quality place to live
Meeting Wrap Up / Q & A Open Issues / Q & A Review action items Assign action items Election results 2008 acknowledgments Meeting Adjourned
Montare Property Reference Map