Chapter 17 The Exile and Journey Home Vocabulary: Lamentation Superstition Hope Proverb Torah
Exile Prophets; Jeremiah- Book of Lamentations Ezekiel- against social injustice, idolatry, and superstition Vision- temple destroyed but God promised to rebuild (Jesus) which gave hope to Jewish people During exile people began to identify themselves by their religion- Judaism- instead of by their country or homeland.
To be a Jew was to have faith in God, follow His will, and make a personal commitment to follow the Covenant. Isaiah of Babylon- prophet- gave hope to the people that God had not abandoned them. Have faith- suffering servant(Jesus) would save them. Proverb is wise advice Next books of the Bible are the Books of Wisdom
Wisdom books Job- suffering is a part of life and we need to trust in God Psalms- poetic prayers or songs Proverbs- advice on how to live a good life Ecclesiastes-God provides lasting happiness Song of Songs-love poems Wisdom- advises everyone to live a holy life Sirach- grow in faith
Return to Judah First stage- 539 BC- Persian king, Cyrus, allowed them to return to Judah and rebuild the temple. Still under Persia, but allowed to govern themselves. Haggai and Zechariah- prophets who told people to build temple before their interests. Temple was completed in 515 BC. Second Stage- Nehemiah built walls to protect from foreign invaders. Third stage- Ezra reformed religious and social practices Torah- 1 st 5 books of OT; Law of Moses