Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, January 17, 2010
2009 Lessons in Review
Sunday Studies 1 John 5:1-21
1. Vs. 1-3; Salvation in Christ, Born of God. a) Loving fellow believers b) Relationship between motivation and function in virtue love c) Loving God is demonstrated by keeping His mandates
2. Vs. 4-5; Victorious in Christ. a) Doctrine of Overcoming 1) All believers are a type of overcomer
3. Vs 6-10; Christ won our Victory. a) Water and Blood = the humanity and sacrifice of our Lord b) Three Great witnesses: Christ’s humanity, the Cross and the Holy Spirit, (prophetic, historical, retrospective) c) The Spirit’s witness – Common Grace d) Witnessing e) Unbelievers make God a liar.
4. Vs ; Confidence in your Eternal Life. a) Doctrine of Eternal Life b) 40 Things you receive at salvation d) Doctrine of Eternal Security
5. Vs ; Confidence in your prayer life. a) Prayer is virtue dependent – Reviewed Doctrine of Prayer
6. Vs ; Sin and Prayer. a) The Righteousness of God b) Virtue limitations of Prayer c) Privacy of the Royal Priesthood – No Gossiping d) Divine discipline: (warning, intensified, SUD) e) Doctrine of the Sin Unto Death
7. Vs ; Born of God does not sin inside of GPS. a) We are protected by Christ (via rebound, His Word and Intercession) b) Satan’s Cosmic System (sphere of the evil one) 1) Doctrine of satanic strategy, his rulership 2) Christian Activism is sponsored by Satan, (i.e. Gov. overthrow, cleaning up his world, etc.)
8. Vs 20-21; Jesus Christ is God. a) Doctrine of Eternal Life b) Guard against Idolatry
Easter Special 1. Trichotomous separation of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.
Thanksgiving Specials 1. Peace and Thanksgiving 2. Thanksgiving Foundations
Christmas Specials 1. Should we celebrate Christmas? 2. The Importance of the Virgin Birth.
Monday Morning Bible Studies January through June Romans 12:1-5
Marriage Series – 6 weeks: May – June 1. God’s Perfect Design 2. Why the First Marriage Failed 3. The Role of the Husband 4. The Role of the Wife 5. Problem Solving Inside the Marriage – Five Love Languages (Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Physical Touch) 6. The Role of Sex in Marriage.
Grace Offering
Grace Fellowship Church Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, January 17, 2010 Tape # Review of 2009 Study Lessons, cont’d James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010