Domestic Challenges of the 1790’s
Hamilton and Economic Policy Wanted to pay off federal debt State debt would be assumed by fed. gov’t Increase taxes to pay down debt Increased tension between North and South Industrial v. agrarian (farmers) goals Federalist v. Antifederalist debate Stronger gov’t v. individual rights 1791 – vote (barely passed) to create national bank, higher taxes, and national capital
Loose v. Strict Construction Methods of interpreting the Constitution Loose Implied powers/broader powers for the federal government Goal of “general welfare” Strict Weaker federal government Not in the Constitution – can’t have it
Whiskey Rebellion Farmers resented excise taxes on whiskey 1794 – farmers in western PA harassed tax collectors Federal government sent 12,000 troops, resistance melted away Jefferson argued that Hamilton/Washington over- exaggerated rebellion to demonstrate increase in federal power