The Wolverine Den By: Augenee’ Hunter Period:1
Who we are The School Store is a place where students can purchase supplies for their classes at reasonable prices while within a school setting. We welcome anyone who wants to come purchase anything at the store We are located at the woodland hills high school 2550 Greensburg Pike Pittsburgh, PA 15221
What we sell We sell things like binder notebooks pens pencils, calculators rulers paper t-shirts, sweaters, shorts also different foods of their choice.
Contact Info The Wolverine Den 2550 Greensburg Pike Pittsburgh, PA Phone: (412) Fax: (412) Website:
2550 Greensburg Pike Pittsburgh, PA Phone: (412) Fax: (412) Website:
Chart of Total Payroll
Closing Thank you bankers and investors for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and see this presentation