What is Glogster EDU Glogster EDU is the leading global education platform for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and beyond. empowers educators and students with the technology to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - with text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data attachments and more. Glogster coincides with: UDI: Universal Design for Learning –efforts for diversity. ISTE 2007 (User Guide in FAQ Section)
Glog - Creation Interface Glogster EDU Sharing Key Functionalities How to use Glogster EDU Glogster EDU Premium Benefits & features Glogster EDU is so SIMPLE TO USE, that now over 7,000,000 people (including students as young as 4 years old) across the planet are reaping the benefits of this amazing system. Please review the critical features and benefits below and see what everyone is raving about. Glogster EDU is Yours!
It’s fun to play!!!!
Received Week of October 17, 2011 Sometimes there are problems so SAVE OFTEN.
BEST GLOGS SAMPLES GLOGPEDIA Login Click on Glogpedia. It will open automatically when the PowerPoint is in Play Right-Click on a poster and Left-Click on “Open Link in New Tab” But we must have accounts…
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Create New Glog Gather all resources first: data, images, sounds, audio, videos.
Multimedia Plan your subject Collect information written prose- information from research images audio video (Record Sources in Noodletools: bibliography.) Sources for multimedia:
Fox Calls from You Tube Fox Sample Written Images Audio Video
Written Fox Picture Red fox Foxes are animals in the dog family. Most of them look like small, slender dogs with bushy tails. A fox has long, pointed ears and a pointed nose. Foxes can live almost everywhere in the world. They are found in farmlands, deserts, forests, and even wooded parts of cities. Foxes have sharp hearing and a good sense of smell. They are good hunters, and they eat almost any animals they can catch, including birds, frogs, insects, lizards, mice, and rabbits. They also eat berries and dead animals. Foxes live in families while they are raising young. They dig dens or take over old ones in the ground. They may also make dens in caves, hollow logs, or trees. The pups, or cubs, are born in early spring. Red foxes have four to nine pups, and gray foxes have three to five. Picture Fennec Both the vixen >, or female, and the dog, or male, raise the pups. The pups nurse for about five weeks. Then the parents bring food. Next, they teach the cubs to hunt. By late summer or fall, the cubs can live on their own. There are many kinds of foxes. Red foxes live in most of Europe, Asia, and northern North America. Gray foxes live in most of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. Arctic foxes live in far northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Fennecs, the smallest foxes, live in the deserts of northern Africa and Arabia. Noodletools: Worldbook Encyclopedia. "Fox." Worldbook Online for Kids. World Book Encyclopedia, 24 Oct Web. 24 Oct
Forest Sound
Videos God Tube Teacher Tube School Tube Teacher-Specified You Tube Discovery Streaming – all children can use username and password on whiteboard in school
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Fox Glog Link
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Wall Choices=Background Choices Glog Wall is the main page area. Page Wall is the frame around the Glog Wall.
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