CS492 Special Topics in Computer Science Mobile/Wireless Networking Sue B. Moon
Goals of CS492 To introduce students to basic concepts in wireless and mobile networking To offer them hands-on experience through lab sessions and team projects.
Prerequisite CS230 System Programming or equivalent CS330 Operating Systems or equivalent CS441 Introduction to Computer Networking or equivalent
Topics to Cover Basic concepts in mobile/wireless networking /16 Technology 2.5G/3G Technology Middleware/Application Layer Services
Course Outline 9/6 ~ 9/29 (4 weeks) –Lectures on data communications, mobile & wireless networking 10/4 ~ 10/29 (8 weeks) –Labs/lectures 11/29 ~ 12/22 (4 weeks) –Term Project
Grading Policy Attendance (10%) –Win 5 stars by proactively engaging in discussion Homework (25%) –Written assignments & lab Exam (30%) Term Project (25%)
How to Be Active in Class Before Class –Remind oneself about last class –Look at today's topics –Make a list of things you expect to learn In Class –Ask yourself if the lecture is close to/far from your expected material –Raise a question if what you've learned is different from your expectation
TAs Dong-Uk Kim Seungyeop Han Dooyoung Lee Taehee Kim
Class Website Mailing list –Use [cs492] in the subject line