Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Create a Survey- Int and Exp Objective: To create one or more survey questions on the feature article topic. Focusing Question: How can survey results enhance the article? Strategy: To strengthen the content of the feature article by creating and conducting a survey.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Mini Lesson Surveys allow writers to learn the opinions of others on issues related to your topic. Surveys are usually made up of short questions and multiple choice answers. Mentor Text: How are statistics used in the article? What do the survey questions have in common? How can the survey results be used in the article?
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Writer’s Work Time 1.Review your research notes and determine what information you are still missing. 2.Think about how your classmates can help you answer any questions you still have about their topic. 3.Write between one and three related questions and multiple choice responses that you can use to survey your classmates. 4.Post your questions and sample answer choices to the Study Center activity Survey Your Peers.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary How can a survey enhance your feature article? Go to the Online Classroom and respond to your classmates’ questions in the activity Survey Your Classmates.