This was the political party of Mussolini. What was the Fascist Party?
This was the country that was formed from land that the Italians wanted after WWI. What was Yugoslavia?
These are the groups in Italy that suffered under the Fascist economy. Who were the communists, socialists, workers, farmers, peasants and unions?
These were the two things that were blamed for unemployment in Fascist Italy. What were women and machines?
This is what Mussolini wanted to make the Mediterranean Sea into. What was an Italian or Roman lake?
This was the name of the German republic formed in What was the Weimar Republic?
This is what hit the German economy in 1919 and made their currency almost worthless. What was runaway inflation?
This was the name of the political party that Hitler joined in What was the National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis?
This was the rich area of Germany that France occupied in order to collect war reparations. What was the coal rich Ruhr Valley?
This was the name for the young people of Germany that pledged loyalty to Hitler and prepared themselves for war. What was the “Hitler Youth”?
This is the book Hitler wrote while in prison. What was Mein Kampf?
These were the laws enacted by Hitler that placed severe restrictions on Jews. What were the Nuremberg Laws?
This is the name given to the two nights of violence committed against Jews in What was Kristallnacht or the “ Night of Broken Glass”?
These were the detention centers created to house Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, communists and others that Hitler saw as unfit to live in Germany. What were Concentration or death camps?
This was the name of Hitler’s secret police. What was the Gestapo?
This is the nickname for Mussolini. What was Il Duce?
This was Mussolini’s famous march which brought him to power in Italy. What was Mussolini’s March on Rome?
This is what Mussolini would give women medals for. What was having more than 14 children?
This was the color of the shirts of Mussolini’s thugs and paramilitary group. What was black?
These were two of Mussolini’s support groups that helped him create his corporate state. Who were the business men and large landowners, and the lower middle class?
This was the nickname for Hitler, which means the leader. What was Der Fuhrer?
This was the name for Hitler’s paramilitary thugs who supported his government. Who were the brown-shirts, or storm troopers?
This was the plan developed by an American senator to help Germany recover after WWI. What was the Dawes Plan?
This is the type of state formed by Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin after WWI. What was a Totalitarian State?
This is the name given to the Hitler’s New German Empire What was the Third Reich?