Fulfilling the Promise of Preparation: Translating Vision Into Reality
Linda Wise Deputy Superintendent
Thank You for your Leadership
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. -John D. Maxwell
Are You a Leader?
Our Vision & Mission Vision Every student is inspired to learn and empowered to excel Mission We cultivate a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world
Goal 1 STUDENTS Every student achieves academic excellence in an inspiring, engaging, and supportive environment.
Goal 2 STAFF Every staff member is engaged, supported, and successful.
Goal 3 FAMILIES & COMMUNITY Families and the community are engaged and supported as partners in education.
Goal 4 ORGANIZATION Schools are supported by world-class organizational practices.
Teaching to the future, and testing to the past.
Juliann Dibble Director Professional and Organizational Development
The HCPSS Framework for Teacher Evaluation
The Framework for Teacher Evaluation
Supports for Observers and Teachers
The HCPSS Staff Hub
Teachscape Reflect and Focus
The HCPSS Framework for Teacher Evaluation
Dr. Clarissa Evans Executive Director School Improvement and Curricular Programs
HCPSS Teacher Evaluation Model Charlotte Danielson’s Framework For Teaching and Learning Professional Practice (50%) Domain 1 Planning and Preparation 12.5% Domain 3 Instruction 12.5% Domain 2 Classroom Environment 12.5% Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities 12.5% Literacy Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Differentiation Mathematical Practices Overarching Habits Reasoning and Explaining Modeling and Using Tools Seeing Structure and Generalizing Differentiation Creative Problem Solving in Support of MD STEM Standards of Practice Understanding Challenges Generation of Ideas Preparation for Action Application of Technology Differentiation Content Assessments Performance-Based Tasks Differentiation Qualitative Measures Quantitative Measures: Student Learning Objectives and MSA Domain 5 Student Growth (50%) Student Learning Objectives for teachers of grades 4-8 assessed areas – 30%; for others two SLOs from different areas 25%, 25% Student Learning Objectives for high school teachers of state-assessed courses – one 25% SLO; one two-part SLO that is 10% student performance on state assessment and 15% other teacher-selected data points in alignment with course curriculum Maryland School Assessments (for teachers grades 4-8 who are teachers of record for mathematics and/or English Language Arts) 20%
Scoring of Teacher Evaluations Professional Practice Distinguished 12 points Proficient 9 points Basic 6 points Unsatisfactory 3 points Student Growth Full Attainment 12 points Partial Attainment8 points Insufficient4 points Attainment
Cut Scores Highly Effective: 10.0 and above Effective: at least 7 and less than 10.0 Ineffective: less than 7
Scoring of Teacher Evaluations
Sample: Teacher Evaluation Teacher: Non MSA-Assessed Course Domain #1: Proficient Domain #2: Basic Domain #3: Proficient Domain #4: Proficient SLO #1 (25%): Full Attainment SLO #2 (25%): Partial Attainment Score = out of Rating = Effective
Sample: Teacher Evaluation Teacher: MSA-Assessed Course Domain #1: Proficient Domain #2: Proficient Domain #3: Proficient Domain #4: Proficient SLO #1 (30%): Full Attainment MSA (20%): Full Attainment Score = 10.5 out of Rating = Highly Effective
Sample: Teacher Evaluation Teacher: HSA-Assessed Course Domain #1: Basic Domain #2: Basic Domain #3: Unsatisfactory Domain #4: Proficient SLO #1 (15%): Insufficient Attainment HSA (10%): Partial Attainment SLO #2 (25%): Partial Attainment Score = 6.4 out of Rating = Ineffective
Dr. Clarissa Evans Executive Director School Improvement and Curricular Programs
Patricia Daley Executive Director Special Education and Students Services
Safe School Modules
Presuming Competence
Frank Eastham Executive Director School Improvement and Administration
Our Vision & Mission Vision Every student is inspired to learn and empowered to excel Mission We cultivate a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world
Fulfilling the Promise of Preparation: Translating Vision Into Reality
ES Auditorium MS HS ES Auditorium MS HS