Dr. Shin-Jye Lee Member of Machine Learning & Optimisation Group School of Computer Science University of Manchester, U.K.
Introduction Globalization & Industrial Revolution Globalization & Industrial Revolution Energy Demand Energy Demand Climate Change Problem Climate Change Problem The Relationship between Climate Change & Energy The Relationship between Climate Change & Energy Technology Support Technology Support
Climate Change Global Warming Global Warming “Eiarth is warming. The average temperature of the Earth’s surface by about 1.4 °F (0.8 °C) over the past 100 years, with about 1.0 °F (0.6 °C) of this warming occurring over just the past three decades (CACC & NRC, 2011: 15).” (Source: Hong Kong Observatory, Available: (Source: Hong Kong Observatory, Available:
Greenhouse Effect
Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (Source: Earth System Research Lab., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Available: (Source: Hong Kong Observatory, Available:
Climate Change Mitigation by Technology Carbon Capture and Storage Carbon Capture: Post-Combustion, Pre-Combustion, and Oxyfuel Combustion Carbon Sequestration: Geological, Ocean, and Mineral Storage Smart Grid Gather information about the behaviour between suppliers and clients, and make the optimal arrangement. Clean Energy Energy without the contribution to the greenhouse effect
An Example of Carbon Capture and Storage (Source: 二氧化碳捕獲與封存技術網, Available:
Climate Change Mitigation by Information Technology System Identification System Identification
Fuzzy System Identification Fuzzy System Identification
Future Prediction of China’s Energy Consumption Structure from 2011 to 2030
The Comparison between the Real Historical Data & Prediction in CER (Certified Emission Reduction) Historical Price Predicted Price (Source: Parliament of Australia, Available:
Conclusion Climate Change Problems Solved by Technology Climate Change Problems Solved by Technology What should (or can) I do based on my proficiency? What should (or can) I do based on my proficiency? Limitation Limitation Short-Term goal may easily achieve, but it is difficult to mid-term and long-term goal. Short-Term goal may easily achieve, but it is difficult to mid-term and long-term goal.