ANE and E & E SOTA Maternal and Neonatal Mortality October 10, 2002
Lifetime Risk of Maternal Death And USAID, ANE, and E&E Regions East Asia and Pacific** 1:283 Africa 1:16 CEE/CIS** 1:797 Latin America & Caribbean 1:160 North America 1:3,500 Oceania* 1:260 Source: WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Maternal Mortality in 1995: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA. Geneva: WHO, *Excluding Japan and Australia/New Zealand **UNICEF Region. More than 500,000 deaths annually South Asia** 1:54 Middle East and N. Africa** 1:55
Utilization of Care Antenatal and Skilled Birth Attendant Coverage in USAID and ANE and E&E Regions Sources: Most recent DHS or RHS, PRB data sheets, UNICEF Weighted averages for countries with available data. *At least one antenatal care visit. Insufficient data available to include CEE weighted averages.
8% *Other direct causes include: ectopic pregnancy, embolism, anesthesia-related **Indirect causes include: anemia, malaria, heart disease Source: “Maternal Health Around the World” World Health Organization, Geneva, 1997
*Other direct causes include: ectopic pregnancy, embolism, anesthesia-related **Indirect causes include: anemia, malaria, heart disease Source: “Maternal Health Around the World” World Health Organization, Geneva, 1997 In the Community Birth preparedness Skilled attendant Rapid transfer to EOC Through Health Services Active management of the third stage of labor
Morocco 8% decline Egypt 52% decline Bangladesh 22% decline Sources: Morocco: DHS data from Measure Evaluation Morocco, 30 Years of Collaboration Between USAID and the Ministry of Health; Bangladesh: National Institute of Population Research and Training Bangladesh Maternal Health Services and Maternal Mortality Survey, Preliminary Report;Egypt: Egypt Ministry of Health and Population Egypt National Maternal Mortality Study 2000 Successes in Maternal Mortality Reduction Selected Countries in USAID ANE Region Data point plotted is midpoint of date range.
PREGNANCY DELIVERYPOST NATAL PRE- PREGNANCY 0 22 Weeks BIRTH 7 Days 28 Days 42 Days Perinatal Death Maternal Death 3-14 Days if Tetanus Maternal & Newborn Care Programs Need Skilled Care at Time of Birth Source: Koblinsky, et. al., Sept Issues in Programming for Safe Motherhood.