AGRID Automated Glucose Reading Insulin Dispenser Presented by T. Gatdula Co-presenters S. Vijayakumar D. Yang
Problem Statement Diabetics do not follow their prescribed insulin regimen.
Agenda Societal problem Problem statement Project goal Component requirements Benefits Obstacles Risks & Mitigators Preliminary budget Projected schedule Management methods Resource requirements
American Diabetes Statistics 16 million cases of diabetes 2,500 new cases daily 7 th leading cause of death 193,140 deaths in 1996 $44 billion in direct medical costs *Statistics from ADA & NIDDK
Diabetes Management Survey 2/3 find regimen difficult to manage 41% “unsuccessful” at management 3 in 5 do not monitor as prescribed 17% do not maintain insulin regimen 1 in 5 find regimen restricting *Survey by Eli Lilly company
Survey- Diabetics
Survey- Monitoring
Problem Statement Diabetics do not follow their prescribed insulin regimen.
Project Goal Given a simplified insulin protocol, insulin-dependent diabetics will be more likely to maintain their prescribed insulin regimen.
Existing Monitoring Devices ProductCostAccuracyIssuesAccessories Glucose Monitor $890/ annually 98-99%Invasive, Calluses Strips, Lancets Glucose Watch $260100%Itchiness in area Batteries
Existing Dispensing Devices ProductCostAccuracyIssuesAccessories Insulin Pen$3599%Intrusive, Precision Needles Syringe$23/100100%Intrusive, Precision Disposal System Insulin Pump $4, %Intrusive, Complex Needles, Tubing MedicationVaries RegimentedN/A Insulin Patch ~$3.20Not Released Final Testing Phase N/A
Component Requirements Enter Blinker 100 Input Ultra Sound AGRID Patch
Functional Diagram User InfoMonitor Warning Ultra Sound Warning High Computational Device Low Within Range Patch
What AGRID Will Do Glucose monitoring Virtually non-invasive Continuous Insulin dispensing Non-invasive Continuous
What AGRID Will Not Do Not a cure for diabetes Not for those with minimal diabetes
Project Objectives Research Budget/cost projection SBIR grant proposal Acquisition of materials Building of prototype Validate product
AGRID Company Structure
Obstacles Government approval Side effects Societal reluctance
Benefits All-in-one Convenient Non-invasive Unobtrusive Peace of mind
Risks and Mitigators Diabetes curedVery far into the future Simpler regimentation becomes available Our solution is simple Unable to acquire government approval Alter product to meet requirements Unit not covered by insuranceReduce sales Unable to attain user-rightsFind alternative devices
Budget- Initial Development LicensingGlucowatch20,000 CostsInsulin Patches80,000 Ultrasound Device50,000 Software Development 30,000 Development Costs $180,000 Testing$200,000 TOTAL$380,000
Budget- Production UnitAGRID units $100,000 OperationTesting2,000 CostMaintenance5,000 Computational Device Research & Development 10,000 $17,000 TOTAL$117,000
Profit Projections AGRID500 units $5,000,000 Insulin Patch3 100,000 units $3,650,000 TOTAL$8,650,000
Schedule Concept development- 3 months Prototype design- 5 months Pre-production design- 6 months Production- 36 months Concept Development Prototype Design Pre-Production Design Production 3 months 5 months 6 months36 months
Conclusion Societal need Financially feasible Marketable Within time constraints Greater quality of life
Research Sites