Mrs Gutteridge
Welcome Back - Year 11 Focus A) Unit 3 Building a Business = 50% exam 2015 B) Reinforcing Learning from Unit 1 Intr to Small Businesses = 25% exam 2015 C) Unit 2 Controlled Assessment = 25% start end Sept/Oct 2014 D) Unit 5 Introduction to Economics = 50% exam 2015
All Resources/Lesson Materials etc on this website Selection of Text Books Available to buy from £1.99 each Revision Guide/Workbooks
3.1 Marketing Objectives 1.Understand the meaning of the term Marketing 2. Understand the difference between primary and secondary research with examples 3.Understand how to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative research data to help decide on issues such as an appropriate marketing mix
1. What does Business Success Look Like? How do we know a Business is Successful? 2. List ways information that could help a business be successful 3. Identify ways a business can access this information 4. Discuss the barriers to Business Success Read Pages 8-13 Copy down the Keywords/Meanings Over to You Questions – In pairs Test Yourself REVISION WORKBOOK PAGE 39-40
Create a ppt or leaflet about Market Research include: What is Marketing? Explain Different types of Market Research – primary and secondary with examples Research Quantitative and Qualitative Information with examples of why each type of information important Add images and use attractive layout Resources on