07/10/2009 Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Business Demography: the way to measure where the employment comes from 11th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers 6-7 October 2009, Luxembourg Aleksandra Stawińska
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Business Demography – – Harmonised Data Collection: legal basis Parliament and Council Regulation 295/2008, Annex IX Commission Regulations: 250/2009 – characteristics and transmission format 251/2009 – series of data Employer Business Demography data collected on voluntary basis better comparability across the countries focus on units economically significant
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Business Demography – – Harmonised Data Collection Structural Indicators – monitoring the Lisbon Growth and Jobs Strategy Employer Business Demography & High Growth Enterprises OECD – Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Eurostat-OECD Manual on Business Demography Statistics to harmonise different approaches to business demography statistics with a view to better comparability, particularly between European and other OECD countries
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Difference HDC vs EBD Harmonised data collection –No size threshold, coverage of non-employers –Separate size class “0 employees” –Births in “0 employees” not counted as employer births if they become employers later Employer business demography –At least 1 employee at any time of a year –Lowest size class “up to 4 employees” –2 types of birth / death Paid employee(s) in year of HDC birth / death Entry by growth / exit by decline
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Enterprise birth and death rates (HDC), Business Economy, 2005 and 2006 (%) (1) (1) Birth rates for Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland, Slovak Republic; Cyprus and Malta: 2005; Death rates: 2005 (2) Average rates are based on data for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom with reference year 2006 for birth rates and 2005 for death rates Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Structure of enterprise births and persons employed in newly born enterprises by size class, (HDC) Business Economy, 2006 (1) Denmark, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Finland: 2005 (2) Average based on data for those Member States shown in figure above Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Structure of enterprise deaths and persons employed in enterprises that died by size class, (HDC) Business Economy, 2005 (1) Average based on data for those Member States shown in figure above Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Birth rates (HDC and EBD), Business Economy, 2006 (%) Note. CZ, DK, LV, NL, SK, FI: Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Birth rates (EBD) and its "entry by growth" share, Business Economy, 2006 (%) Note. CZ, DK, LV, NL, SK, FI: Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Rate of high-growth enterprises measured in employment, Business Economy, 2006 (%) Note. CZ, DK, LV, LT, NL, FI: Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Rate of "gazelles" measured in employment, Business Economy, 2006 (%) Note. CZ, DK, LV, LT, NL, FI: Source: Eurostat,
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics More recent business demography data? data based on business registers => profit - no additional burden for the enterprises => cost – timeliness Eurostat’s study on “alternative” sources that could be used for estimation recent BD data Member States and Eurostat – investigating possibilities
07/10/ th Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Seminar on Business Registers Session 3: Business Register as a source for further development of business demography statistics Thank you for your attention