If you have not been given instructions as to what to do, ask a fellow member of the kingdom of Light.
To work on an intentional strategy to carry out the mission of our King in the fight for the souls of men.
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And, remember I am with you always, to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28: 18b-20 (HCSB)
Student population in U.S. by the year million How we have been doing – Students currently enrolled in SBC Bible Study 1,039,792
How we have been doing – Students baptized by SBC churches in ,040 Students baptized by top church 627 (TX) Students baptized by #10 church 120 (CA) (Figures as reported in Annual Church Profile of SBC churches for 2004)
The members already in your class are not your only battlefield or mission!
Our has given us a much larger sphere of influence than we realize! King
Our troops must see that we believe the King is in control of the battle. And that He has placed the battle for the souls in our hands. Our troops must see that we believe the King is in control of the battle. And that He has placed the battle for the souls in our hands.
is for the student who is not currently in a class or small group. The King has given your students contact points with those students. They are a small light of hope in that sphere of darkness... and that is their battleground.
The church building or “Fort” is not where the real battle takes place. It begins on the field and then moves to the place the body fellowships, plans strategy, and worships together. Just as an effective officer goes into battle with his troops, so must the effective leader enter the turf of the battle zone, i.e.: wherever the lost hang out.
Battle Strategy and Training of the Troops
How many students should be on your roll in order to effectively train them to be Great Commission students for the King? Tip 1: Check out the last paragraph on page 28 of The 3D Sunday School book.
What is the challenge ahead of you in order to make this happen?
Tip 2: What are the names of three of your friends you don’t want to die and go to heaven without?
Pray anonymously for two months. The King will direct you how to pray. Ask your student to ask their friend “how” you can pray for them. Pray for another period of time. As God prompts you, continue to ask this question through- out the next couple of months.
Ask your student about meeting their friend face to face. Plan the meeting. Meet the lost student. Help your student watch for signs and evidence that their friend is open to a full gospel presentation. Go with your student and together share about the King and kingdom hope.
Tip 3: Build awareness of the Kings’ true purpose for our lives and the life cycle of a small group or Sunday School class.
A new class means more room for other students... to be a part of the kingdom to be ministered to, and to be trained as a disciple to carry out the kingdom mission
A new class A new class grows more quickly than an older, established class.
An effective curriculum is invaluable for training kingdom members. Personal preparation helps should be used to measure the leader’s own life in light of the Bible truth for the week.
Using a curriculum that includes guided- discovery, activity based teaching has many benefits.
Using varied teaching methods to guide students to discover truth for themselves is beneficial in engaging the multiple learning intelligences of students.
Curriculum should position the meat of the lesson around Scripture.
Group 1. Group 1. What’s in this for me? Group 3. Group 3. Do I really belong? Group 2. Group 2. What do I need to do to be a real member of this class?
do I need to do to grow? do I need to do to grow?
is your main motive or mission in Sunday School?
The Woman swept... The Shepherd searched for the one... and the Father watched diligently. The Woman swept... The Shepherd searched for the one... and the Father watched diligently. Luke 15
is that student the King is seeking out and asking you to join Him in the search?
is that fellow kingdom member that the King wants to join you… be trained by you… so that he or she can become the leader of the new class to be born? is that fellow kingdom member that the King wants to join you… be trained by you… so that he or she can become the leader of the new class to be born?