6-Answers-1 LOW COST SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Practitioner Workshop Exercise – Part A – Session #6
6-Answers-2 Exercise Learning Objectives: Analyze traffic crash patterns and other engineering information Select appropriate low cost safety and engineering countermeasures
6-Answers-3 Exercise Exercise A-1: Run-off-the- Road Crashes on Curve Speed limit is 35 mph No shoulder One streetlight Vertical drop to the I&M Canal is 9 feet Normal cross slope for outside lane
6-Answers-4 Exercise Exercise A-1: Run-off-the- Road Crashes on Curve 6 Run-Off-The-Road Crashes in 3 years – 1 is daytime 5 are at night 2 involved vehicles in the canal
6-Answers-5 Exercise What are your Ideas to Improve Safety on this Road?
6-Answers-6 Exercise Exercise A-1: Run-off-the- Road Crashes on Curve Add Super Elevation to outside lane Add Advance Curve Warning Sign with Advisory Speed Add Chevrons Upgrade Guardrail + End Treatment Upgrade lighting and move to inside of curve
6-Answers-7 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway *NCHRP 500, Strategy 17.1 B11- Restrict or Eliminate Turning Maneuvers
6-Answers-8 Exercise Exercise A- 2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway View to the west of Diehl Road
6-Answers-9 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway Mobil Gas Station White Hen Convenience Store Driveways SW Quadrant
6-Answers-10 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway Mobil Gas Station on southwest quadrant of major intersection of state marked route and major arterial street State route is 4-lane (12’ lanes curb and gutter) with 12’ left turn lanes at 48,000 ADT at 40 mph and raised concrete median fronting gas station Major arterial street is 5-lane (12’ lanes) with no median at 26,000 ADT at 40 mph White Hen convenience store to south of gas station has cross access with gas station
6-Answers-11 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway 19 crashes of westbound left turning vehicles with eastbound through vehicles in last 12 months at Mobil driveway 60 feet west of west curb line of state marked route Additional info: Manager of White Hen is a friend of the Mayor; Councilman is a senior Officer for an Oil Company
6-Answers-12 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway Left turns from westbound Diehl Road into Gas Station Driveway were Prohibited Sign was posted (near right and far right position) as well as Do NOT ENTER Results were 6 left turn crashes in 3 months. What are your Ideas to Improve Safety for this Intersection?
6-Answers-13 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway Super-duxs Traffic Pylons installed on Centerline on 5 foot centers
6-Answers-14 Exercise Exercise A-2: Left Turn Crashes into Gas Station Driveway Super-duxs Traffic Pylons installed on Centerline on 5 foot centers
6-Answers-15 Questions? Exercise