Welcome to 5 th Grade Open House! Mr. Mason, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Eckert, Mrs. Simon, and Mrs. Levan
Curriculum Common Core State Standards We teach students the CCSS. All textbooks, workbooks, activities, etc. are simply resources to assist in teaching the CCSS. Please click on the “Parent Link” on the Wake County School System website ( for more information.
Team Teaching Team teaching is new the 5 th grade at Holly Ridge this year. Students are assigned to a team of two teachers: one will teach Language Arts and Social Studies, the other will teach Math and Science. Parents are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication with both teachers, although Weekly Folders and correspondence will come from the student’s homeroom teacher.
Writing The Writers Workshop framework will be used for daily writing lessons and practice. Genres Narrative Research (Nonfiction) Poetry Essay Fiction All writing genres will be integrated across curriculum.
Reading Mini Lesson - geared towards CCSS objectives Daily CAFÉ – structure for instructional delivery Small Group Reading- guided/strategy group instruction for different reading levels Word Study- Greek and Latin roots to help understand English Language vocabulary
Social Studies Our focus this year is on US History. Topics of Study include: Economy Revolutionary Unit Government and Westward Expansion Civil War and Reconstruction
Math Math instruction will consist of daily lessons and practice including math vocabulary and problem solving for five areas: Areas of Emphasis Number Sense/Base 10 Number Sense/Fractions Geometry Measurement and Data Analysis Algebraic Operations
Science Lessons and labs are inquiry based. Units of Study Weather Ecosystems Motion and Design Human Body Science Special Science as a special has been included in our 7- day specials rotation.
Technology Students will have Technology in the specials rotation every seventh day. Topics of Study include: Basic typing skills Lesson remediation/practice/extension Projects
Grading LevelMeaning 1 Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards with support. 2 Inconsistent and needs support to meet targeted grade level standards. 3 Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards. 3* Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards with evidence of application. 4 Extends targeted grade level standards.
Homework WCPSS Board Policy states that students in 5 th grade should have an average of 50 min. of homework each night. Reading, Math and Word Study Occasionally Science, SS, or incomplete class work What if homework takes longer than 50 minutes?
Communication From School –Tuesday Folders - sent home every Tuesday with work, behavior reports, and important PTA information – s, Notes, Phone Calls -teachers may utilize any or all forms of communication as behavior or other concerns warrant it. To School – - easiest way to get in touch with your child's teacher –Notes - Feel free to send in notes about any concerns you may have (talk to your child about making sure we get the note) –Phone Calls - teachers are not permitted to receive phone calls during class time, however, you may leave a message with the office staff
Parent Conferences We will be scheduling conferences in the near future so we can inform you of your child’s academic progress. You should expect to have 1 conference in the Fall and 1 in the Spring. More detailed information will come home in regards to conferences in the next few weeks.
Positive Behavior Support - HRE’s way of promoting positive behavior in all areas of the school Rewards for tickets: 25 tickets: Wear hat/sunglasses in class for 1 day 50 tickets : Choose seats in class for 1 day 100 tickets : Lunch outside with popsicles 150 tickets : 30 minutes of extra recess for 1 day 200 tickets : Wacky dress up day 250 tickets : 45 minutes of computer time in lab 300 tickets : Pajamas/donuts day 350 tickets: Movie/popcorn day
School Policy Reminders Required notes from home –Transportation: day of change –Absences: within 2 days of return Sick Kids –Must stay home for 24 hours after fever has broken Picking up students early –Go directly to the office, even if your child is at recess
Contact Information Holly Ridge ES: Mrs. Baldwin: Mrs. Eckert: Mrs. Jamieson: Mrs. Levan: Mr. Mason: Mrs. Simon: