Mr. Sanchez’s Rules All 55 of them.
Rule #1 Responding to Adults 1. When responding to an adult you must answer by saying “yes ma’am, or no sir” just nodding your head or saying any other form yes or no is not acceptable.
Rule #2 Make Eye Contact When someone is speaking keep your eyes on him or her at all times. If someone makes a comment turn and face that person.
Rule # 3 Respect other students comments, opinions, and ideas During discussions respect other students comments, opinions, and ideas. When possible make statements like “I agree with John, and I also feel that...” or “ I disagree with Sara. She made a god point but I feel that...” or “ I think Victor made an excellent observation, and it made me realize...”
Rule # 4 If you’re asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return. If someone asks, “Did you have a nice weekend?” you should answer the question and ask a question in return. For example: Me: “Did you have a nice weekend?” You: “ Yes, I had a great time. My family and I went shopping. What about you did you have a nice weekend?” It is polite to show other that you are just as interested in them as they are of you.
Rule # 5 You must complete your homework everyday. Homework will be turn in each day for each subject by every student with no exceptions. Homework Poster Reward after 10 days in a row
Rule # 6 When homework is assigned do not moan or complain. When I assigned homework, there will be no moaning or complaining. This will result in a doubled assignment.
Rule # 7 Be as organized as possible. You will make avery effort to be as organized as possible. Binder must be kept nice and neatly. You should provide any paper requested promptly.
Rule # 8 Follow the specific classroom protocols. We will be organized, efficient, and on task. In order to do so, we must follow this rules: Do not get out of your seat without my permission. Exception: if you are sick leave immediately. Do not speak unless: 1. you raise your hand. 2. I asked you a question and you are responding 3. I instruct you otherwise, Such as in Discussion time
Rule # 8 Do not show disrespect with gestures. Do not smack your lips,roll your eyes or show disrespect with gestures.
Rule # 10 Always say thank you when given something. Always say thank you when I give you something. If you do not say thank you within 3 seconds after receiving the item, I will take it back. There is no excuse for not showing appreciation.
Rule # 11 Congratulating a Classmate If someone in class wins a game or does something well we will congratulate that person. Claps should be of at least 3 seconds in length.
Rule # 12Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and say excuse me. When you cough sneeze or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Using a fist is not acceptable. Afterward, you should say “Excuse me”
Rule #13 If you win, do not brag. If you lose do not show anger. If you win or do well at something, do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger. Instead, say something like “I really enjoyed the competition, and I looked forward to playing you again.” or “Good Game” or don’t say anything. To show anger or sarcasm, shows weakness
Rule # 14 When you receive something do not insult the gift or the giver. When you are given something from someone, never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift or by insinuating that it wasn’t appreciated
Rule # 15 Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Go out of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous fro someone at least once a month
Rule # 16 When grading other students papers give only the correct grade. Occasionally we may grade each other’s papers as a group.When grading other student’s papers, if you give some an incorrect grade, whether is higher or lower than what they deserve, the amount of grade difference from the actual grade will be deducted from your paper. The only marks you are allowed on the paper are those shown by the teacher.
Rule # 17 Follow along when we read together in class. When we read together in class you must follow along. If I call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin reading immediately
Rule # 18 Answer all written questions with a complete sentence. For example if you are asked what are the three stages of matter? you must answer “The three stages of matter are solid, liquid and gas.” Also in conversation with other it is important to use complete sentences.
Rule # 19 Do not ask for a reward. Never ask for a reward if you ask for a reward none will be given. it is rude to ask if you are getting something for good behavior.You should be good and and try do your best because you are trying to better yourself not because you are expecting a reward
Rule # 20 Subject transitions will be swift, quiet and orderly. We should consistently be able to move from one activity to the next, from warm-up to homework to classwork to discussion as quickly as possible. We should transition in less than 15 second and we will have a goal of 10 seconds.
Rule # 21 When a substitute teacher is present all class rules still apply. While you are with a substitute teacher, you will be obey the same rules that you follow when I am with you. ( I know that it is hard, but it is important)
Rule # 22 You may bring a bottle of water to class, you may not leave for a drink of water during class. You may bring a bottle of water and leave it on your desk. Do not ask me to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom while I am teaching.
Rule # 23 Know other teachers name and greet them in the hall by name. Quickly learn the names of other teacher and greet them by saying something nice like “Good morning Mr. Trutanich” Good afternoon Ms. Castellanos, how are you today?” DO not greet the while you are in line, the no kalking in line rule is in effect.
Rule # 24 Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ free. Wash your hands and flush the toilet when done using the toilet. in a public restroom use a paper towel to shut the faucets and open the door. Last thing you want is touch areas with clean hands that other have touched with dirty hands.
Rule # 25 Greet visitors and make them feel welcome. When we have visitors into our school two students will greet them by shaking hands, telling them who you are and welcome the person to our school
Rule # 26 Do not save seats in the lunchroom. If someone wants to sit down let him or her. Do not try to exclude anyone. We are a family, and we must treat each other with respect and kindness.
Rule # 27 Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded. If I or any other teacher is disciplining a student, do not look at them. You would not want other looking at you if you were in trouble. if you are the one in trouble do not get angry or fuss at the students looking at you, tell me and I will take care of it
Rule # 28 Call me is you have a question about homework and leave a message once. If you have a question about homework you may call me. If I do not answer the phone leave me a message such as: “ Hi Mr. Sanchez this is ________. I need help with ________. You can call me back until ___:00. Thank you” There is no need to leave five or six messages just one.
Rule # 29 The ABC’s of etiquette Check classroom poster for this.
Rule # 30 After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere be responsible for your trash. After we eat we will clean up after ourselves. That includes cleaning off the tables and making sure we haven’t left any trash on the floor or around our eating area It is important to be responsible for your trash no matter where you are and to be sure not to litter.
Rule # 31 In a hotel room leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean your room. When you stay in a hotel room, it is appropriate to leave a tip on the pillow for the hotel worker that is responsible for cleaning the room after your stay Two or three dollars per night is an appropriate amount, depending the cost of the room.
Rule # 32 On a bus always face forward. When we ride on the bus, we will always sit facing forward we will never turn around and talk to other students, stick anything outside the windows, or get out of our seats When we exit the bus we will always thank the bus driver and tell him to have a good day.
Rule # 33 When meeting new people shake hands and repeat their names. You will meet people when going on field trips, or other activities, when being introduced shake hands and say thank you if needed by mentioning their names “Thank you Ms. Smith”
Rule # 34 When offered food, take only your fair share. Whenever offered food in the class or out of the class never take more than your fair share. You never want to be greedy and take more than you should, not only because is wasteful, but also because it is disrespectful to others when you do not leave enough for them
Rule # 35 If someone drops something and you’re close to it pick it up. Whether you are in school or out of it, if someone drops something, pick it up and hand them back to them. Even if they are closer to the object, it is polite to make the gesture of bending down to retrieve the item.
Rule # 36 Hold the door for people, rather than letting close on them. If you approach a door and someone is following you, hold the door open for them.
Rule # 37 If someone bumps into you say excuse me, even if it is not your fault. If someone bumps into you say excuse me, even if it is not your fault.
Rule # 38 On a filed trip enter public buildings quietly.
Rule # 39 On a filed trip complement the place that you are visiting.
Rule # 40 During an assembly do not speak or call to friends.
Rule # 41 At home answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner.
Rule # 42 When returning from a trip shake the hands of every chaperone.
Rule # 43 On escalator stand to the right, walk to the left.
Rule # 44 When walking in line keep your arms on your side and move quietly.
Rule # 45 Never cut in line.
Rule # 46 No talking in a movie theater during a movie.
Rule # 47 Do not bring hot cheetos into the school building.
Rule # 48 If anyone is bulling you let me know.
Rule # 49 Stand up for what you believe on.
Rule # 50 Be positive and enjoy life.
Rule # 51 Live so that you will never have regrets.
Rule # 52 Learn from your mistakes and move on.
Rule # 53 No matter the circumstances always be honest.
Rule # 54 Carpe Diem
Rule # 55 Be the best person you can be.