1. Stop! Think about the situation/problem!
Think! Is it worth it? Will it hurt myself/ others?
Act! I know what is best & I’ll ACT on that
REVIEW! Did I make the best choice?
PERSONAL Decision! Why is it important to make your own decision? Who will your decisions ultimately affect?
You are at the movies with your friends, the movie got out early so you are all outside waiting for everyone’s parents to come pick them up. One of your friends says that his older sister brought him a pack of cigarettes and he pulls them out of his pocket to show everyone. He decides to smoke one and then offers you one. You want to be accepted by your friends but you don’t want your parents to show up to pick you up and get in trouble. What do you do? It’s Thursday night at a home football game. You and your friends get up to go to the restroom. On the way back to your seats one of your friends gets the group to go under the bleachers. He/she pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his/her pocket. All of your friends accept, but you are uncertain of what to do. You don’t want to risk getting caught and getting in trouble with the school and your parents, but you also don’t want to risk being unaccepted by your friends. What would you do in this situation?