The Modern Middle East
Syria Damascus is believed to be the oldest city in the world Led by a socialist government, Syria still refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist and is suspected of harboring terrorist organizations 90% Arab 74% Sunni Syria has little oil but other mineral deposits
Lebanon Formerly controlled by France, became independent in the 1940s Divided along religious lines Civil War between Muslim and Christian groups lasted 20 years Syria funded and armed Muslims, continue to heavily influence Labanese government
Jordan Became fully independent from Great Britain in the 1940s Ruled by a monarchy with some democratic reforms Few oil reserves Many Jordanians are Bedouins, Arab speaking nomadic herders
Saudi Arabia Nearly all (85%) Saudis are Arab Sunni Muslims, about 15% are Shiite Ruled by a monarchy (the Saud family) since 1932 The world’s largest oil reserves Society ruled by Islamic law
Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait These countries’ wealth based on oil reserves The United Arab Emirates are actually several Arab kingdoms that have united for their mutual benefits Dubai has become a center of commerce and tourism
Iraq In 1979 Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq Invaded Iran in 1980 –the war lasted for 8 years –Iraq was funded by the US, Iran by the USSR Invaded Kuwait in 1990 –Repelled by multi-national force –International sanctions placed on government Invaded by the United States in 2003 Currently occupied by the United States
Israel Israel was created by the UN in 1947 after the Zionist movement gained support around the world It has been at war or in open conflict with its neighbors ever since Israel’s government is a parliamentary republic (like Great Britain) It is mandatory in Israel to serve in the military for one year at age 18 Israel is about 80% Jewish, 20% Muslim Israel continues to struggle with the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank, as well as with the future of Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories Originally set aside by the UN as areas for a Palestinian homeland, they were rejected by the Palestinians and lost during the Six Day War Gaza –Small area of land along the Mediterranean coast –Overcrowded –Massive unemployment West Bank –Western bank of Jordan River –Agricultural land –Many Jewish settlements East Jerusalem –Control of Jerusalem is disputed Palestine & Israel have beenPalestine & Israel engaged in an ongoing conflict since their creation in 1947
Iran Formerly known as Persia Ruled by Shahs (king) from 1921 to 1978 Islamic revolution in 1979 led to Theocracy, put Mullah’s in power, led by Ayatollah Khomeini Majority of Iranians shiite Shariah as law Iran continues to reject Israel and openly supports terrorist organizations
Afghanistan Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in the 1980s In the mid-1990s a radical Muslim group, the Taliban, took over After September 11, 2001, attacks, U.S. and British forces attacked Taliban and al Qaeda targets and defeated the Taliban The new government has a new constitution, new voting regulations, and includes women. Afghanistan is still occupied by the US The Taliban and al Qaeda are still fighting in Afghanistan
The “Stans” Central Asia is comprised of several relatively new nations that have broken away from the former Soviet Union The “Stans” are home“Stans” to many ethnic groups living in an incredibly harsh landscape Several of these nations are home to huge reserves of oil The suffix “stan” means “land”
OPEC Organization of the Oil Exporting Countries Set prices and production levels of oil in member nations 13 member nations (Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, South America) Started by Venezuela in the 1960s