United Nations Statistics Division Way forward Training Workshop on the Compilation of Quarterly National Accounts for Economic Cooperation Organization Member Countries 8-11 March 2015 Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Way forward Are there any remaining issues to clarify? What are the common needs of ECO member countries in the area of compilation of QNA? What follow-up training and assistance in the topics presented need to be provided? Please if you have questions after the 2
Way forward Participants proposed the following topics, including those related to the implementation of the 2008 SNA, during the discussion to assess what follow-up actions and assistance are needed in future to assist them to improve the compilation of their QNA Accounting for non-observed economy/informal sector Proper allocation of work-in-progress in output across the four quarters Maximizing the use of existing data sources such as the labour force survey Backcasting and details on its techniques 3
Way forward Seasonal adjustment and the uses of seasonally adjusted and unadjusted quarterly GDP estimates and their components Proper use of price indices such as the consumer price index and producer price index to obtain the volume measures for each industry and expenditure component Development of data sources for gross fixed capital formation in intellectual property products such as research and development, gross fixed capital formation in weapons systems and acquisitions less disposals of valuables Compilation of Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables in current prices and volume terms Compilation of sequence of accounts of the 2008 SNA 4
Way forward Expenditure approach in the 2008 SNA Tourism Account Environment Account Improvement to business registers for conducting sample surveys 5
References IMF (2001). Quarterly National Accounts Manual: Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation IMF. Update of the Quarterly National Accounts Manual (draft) Eurostat (2013). Handbook on Quarterly National Accounts 6
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