WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS Political interference Threats from sources Weak Legislation Social Media Exposure to competition Role of interaction Keeping up with latest trends in technology Setting Public Discourse/agenda Political interference Growth of New media/Citizen Journalism Clash of Cultures Effects of Globalisation Standardised ethics Presence of legislation on various issues e.g. Article 23; 136 draft const. Autonomy from State
2018 SWOT
WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS Social Media Will be more established Professional Journalists will not be able to clearly set the agenda Small reduction in hardcopy sales of newspapers & magazines Professional name will be tarnished Conventional journalism audiences may reduce May bring about a lazy attitudes in journalists Advancement in technology Monetisaton of online content Wider Coverage New laws emphasising professionalism Merging of traditional & new media More qualified journalists Variety of content in publications Exposure to new forms of Journalism
Political reforms encouraging freedom of information Increased internet access and equipment Higher literacy levels Increased telecommunications Active voice of audience BEST CASE SCENARIO
Poor media economy More threats from government Lower Ethical Standards WORST-CASE SCENARIO