Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies RMPS develops a variety of skills, including those of discussion and debate. The valuable skills of logical argument and critical evaluation are also developed and can be transferred to other areas of study. Summarise what Dawkins is saying
According to AGCAS - the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service. RMPS graduates go into a wide range of careers. However they, and employers, feel that it particularly prepares students for the following careers: But I don’t want to be a minister! Broadcast, film, video and interactive media sector Education sector Financial services sector Legal sector Politics Publishing sector Law Social care sector Voluntary sector Social & pastoral care Community work Social work Journalism Police
Can everything be explained by evolution ?
How did the universe start?
Why so much variety ?
Is the big bang a sufficient explanation?
Why do people believe?
Is it reasonable to believe in God? “ Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” Richard Dawkins
What conclusion is the picture trying to get us to draw?
Medical Ethics
Resources you will need for the year: 3 Folders – different colours / types Highlighter pens