Ms. Frizzles class needed help, they were working on projects for a science fair.
Ms. Frizzles class then thought that they could go to the museum to find projects that they could do for the science fair.
Then all of a sudden they heard music and it was The Little Einstein's coming to help them find projects.
Hi Ms. Frizzles class we are The Little Einstein's and we are here to help you guys find science projects.
Ms. Frizzles class then said thank you to the Little Einstein's. Then they were off to the museum. They then went in a cardboard bus and then it started moving and the class rolled up to a wide entryway that led t o a show on great scientists.
Ms. Frizzles class as visited a scientist named Copernicus. He had studied the planets. After that, they visited Galileo. Galileo discover the telescope. Galileo then jumped in the bus,so they went back to his time. The villagers then thought that Copernicus was not correct but Galileo had evidence that the earth moves around the sun. Then they saw a man under a tree. It was Isaac Newton. They then spotted Albert Einstein.
After taking the trip to the museum and meeting all of those scientists, Ms. Frizzle and her class knew just what to do for the science fair. Carlos project was: How Many Planets Orbit o ur Sun. Keesha's project was on : How is Making Rock Candy Like Separating Radium Like Pitchblende? Ralfie did his project on: Do Ants Like Sweet Things. Wanda did her project on: Does Boiling Pond Water Get Rid Of Germs? Last but not least Arnold and Phobe read about science in there books.
Sources Google Images Magic School Bus: The Science Fair Expedition Intelloware
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