Multistage Amplifiers Two Stage CMOS OpAMP Bipolar OpAmp SPICE March 3, 2005
HW #5 7.10, 7.21, 7.71, 7.88 Due Tuesday March 3, 2005
Why Multistage? Practical transistor amplifiers consist of a number of stages connected in cascade. First stage typically high input impedance, & CMMR Middle stages amplification Last stage, low output impedance March 3, 2005
Two stage CMOS Q8,Q5: current mirrors March 3, 2005
Usually the leakage resistances are much larger than 1/g_m3 Differential Input Usually the leakage resistances are much larger than 1/g_m3 March 3, 2005
Differential Gain March 3, 2005
Differential Input March 3, 2005
vG2=0, vG1=vid March 3, 2005
Equivalent Circuit MOSFET Opamp March 3, 2005
Bias Circuit for Opamp Bias current independent of Supply Voltage and MOSFET threshold volage Q_12, Q_13 deliberately mismatched, Q_12 4x wider March 3, 2005
Bipolar Opamp March 3, 2005
Bipolar Opamp March 3, 2005
Small Signal Analysis Input and output Impedances March 3, 2005
Gain of Second Stage March 3, 2005
Last stage March 3, 2005
Small Signal Model March 3, 2005
Frequency Response March 3, 2005
Spice Simulation March 3, 2005
Opamp Transfer Function March 3, 2005
Differential Gain March 3, 2005
Frequency Response Adjust frequency resonse by adding resistor in Q4 March 3, 2005
Common Mode Rejection Ratio March 3, 2005