Waiting For God “Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for.


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Presentation transcript:

Waiting For God “Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; third, the ability to do nothing until the command is given”

Abraham lived a life of waiting And, he maintained his relationship w. God to the end. Gn.15

Gn.15:5, Stars This is at night before the events of 9-12, 17, the next day By day he sees the dust (13:16) By night, the stars (15:5) Memory devices

I Abraham’s Relationship With God 1. 11:31-12:1, leaving his family and going to an unknown land proved his faith in God Hb.11:8; Ro.10:17 First words in OT about Abraham tell us of his obedient faith 2. 12:3, one of the greatest promises in the OT... (Ga.3)

3. 12:7, altar Abraham worshipped God long before Gn.15 (cf. 13:3-4, and 13:18) 4. 14:22, first oath on record 5. 15:5, quoted in Ro.4:…18, to show his deep faith Old age Wife’s womb Promise of God

II Abraham’s Righteousness Before God, 6 Denominational teachers: this is where Abraham became a believer and was saved They forget the historical record in Genesis Gn.15:6 is the first time believe occurs in OT Hb.11:8 (by faith) = Gn.11-12

Gn.15:6 – Quotes “Not only: Abram believed just this once, but: Abram proved constant in his faith... ” (Leupold) Luther asked if Abram was justified by faith before this time, or only at this point. The answer has to be that he was justified by faith as soon as it began to manifest itself, which must have been years before this time (Leupold)

NT quotes Gn.15:6 – 1. Ro.4:3, the FACT Refers to Gn.15 (Ro.4:16-22 refers to Gn.17) Paul discusses works of law which require perfection for salvation forgiveness His point: we need God’s grace Ro.4:…7, forgiveness

2. Ga.3:6, the RESULTS Refers to Gn.15 How to become children: Ja.2:23, the ACTIVITIES Refers to events of Gn.22 Did he become unjustified between Gn.15-22?

“When James and Paul disagree…...it’s not safe to believe James over Paul” Some call this the Roman way of salvation What does this say about NT canon? Paul does not teach salvation by faith alone

Paul and James agree *Ro.1:5 – 16:26, obedience of faith *Ro.1:8 – 16:19, their faith is spoken of…; their obedience has become known… deedsendurance well doing *Ro.2:6, deeds; 7, patient endurance in well doing 8, those who do not obey the truth *Ro.2:10, works

*Ro.4:11-12, an active faith (walks…steps) *Ro.6:3-4, baptized into Christ (does not contradict the faith of chap. 4) *Ro.6:17, obeyed from the heart… (ct. 10:21, disobedient…; 10:16) *Ro.10:9-10, believe w. heart

III Abraham’s Reliance Upon God, 17 Significance of this act: Jer.34:18-19 Parties passed between the dissec- ted animals, w. understanding that if one violated the covenant, he would suffer the fate of the animals This seems unusual to us

Assurance God cannot lie; His word is sufficient, yet… He condescends to the level of man, promising to destroy Himself if He does not keep His covenant Hb.6:13-18

An Impossible Dream? seemimpossible Israel’s bondage in Egypt, the most powerful nation on earth, made it seem impossible that God would fulfill His plan Gn.50:24-26

What does this have to do with me? We know that God will do what He promised 1.Extent of the problem: Ga.3:10 2.Cost of the solution: Ga.3:13 3.Result of the solution: Ga.3:6-9, 26-29, sons of Abraham Genesis 15 speaks of us