The Blind See John 9:1-41
Review Jesus had taught during the Feast of the Tabernacles (Jn 7) –The Jewish leaders had tried to arrest or kill Jesus, but failed On the day after the feast, Jesus continued teaching (Jn 8) –The Jewish leaders continued to find a reason to arrest or kill Jesus, but failed –Jesus’ teaching culminated with His statement, “Before Abraham was, I am.” The Jews immediately wanted to kill Him, but He miraculously walked through their midst unseen
Introduction John 9:1-3 –Don’t know if this is the same day as the previous chapter No clear statement of a change of date until 10:22 The repetition in 9:5 of the thought of 8:12 makes sense if still the same day –(The day of the lighting of the great menorah) –Looked at reasons for suffering in last lesson The suffering of this man was to allow the works of God to be revealed
The night is coming John 9:4-5 –Makes an analogy between the work He is doing (God’s work) and work in the fields Work can only be accomplished during the day When it is night no one can work –The day is while He is still living He knew His end was quickly approaching –About 6 months away at this point His work involved teaching people that He is the light of the world, the Savior –We too should realize that we have work to do and our night approaches
The healing John 9:6-7 –Why use the clay? Not for medicinal reasons –Would defeat His purpose of showing He was the light of the world Perhaps to force the Jews to confront the healing –By doing something physical they could call work Perhaps to give the blind man a test of faith –Given with specific instructions »Like Naaman (2 Kgs 5) Or some other reason known only to Jesus
Reactions to the healing John 9:8-12 –For the neighbors, some believed he was the blind man and some refused to believe Who was REALLY blind? –Neighbors were stuck debating whether the man was who they knew him to be (confusion) –Never gave an opinion on the miracle –For the blind man, he believed that Jesus had caused him to receive sight Though he seems not to know who Jesus was
Reactions to the healing John 9:13-17 –Some Pharisees stopped at the method Jesus made clay, that was work in their opinion Therefore, Jesus didn’t keep the Sabbath –Therefore, Jesus was not a man of God Ignored the miracle (self-blinded) –Others looked at the result, and those knew He was not a sinner God obviously approved of Jesus –The blind man saw clearly Jesus had to be a prophet
Reactions to the healing John 9:18-25 –The Jews (leaders) refused to believe the blind man had been blind Easier to reject that any miracle had happened –Then Jesus not approved by God, just a con man Again a case of self-blindness, refusing to see –The parents tried to remain neutral Yes, he is our son and was born blind We don’t know anything else –Trying not to see what was obvious, fear-blinded –The blind man is told Jesus is a sinner, so the miracle must not be attributed to Him Instead, he reiterates the importance of the miracle itself
Reactions to the healing John 9:26-27 –The Jews (now assured the blind man had been blind) want to reexamine the method Anything to avoid confronting the miracle –The blind men ask if this reexamination is so that they can become disciples Is it a true attempt to believe in Jesus? Or is it just grasping at straws to find something to argue about
Reactions to the healing John 9:28-33 –The Jews claim to be Moses’ disciples because they know God spoke to Moses Pride- or tradition-blinded –The blind man points out they knew God listened to Jesus God didn’t answer sinners (Isa 59:1-2; Zech 7:13) No one born blind had ever before been healed –Not even Moses or the prophets had done that Jesus had done what no other had; therefore, God had acted through Jesus So Jesus was obviously a man of God
Reactions to the healing John 9:34 –The Jews are out of arguments Unwilling still to confront the miracle Unable to refute his logic So they attack the man –You were “born in sins” »Likely based on the fact he was born blind (as the disciples had though 9:2) –Therefore, you can’t tell us what we should believe –Blinded by their prejudice »Cast him out (either physically or perhaps taking an immediate vote to expel him)
True sight John 9:35-38 –All the blind man needed was to know who the Son of God is He knew Jesus was a man of God based on the miracle –He had SEEN Jesus, not with eyes, but through faith –Once told by Jesus, he immediately confesses his belief and worships Him Again notice the man knew that “Son of God” was a title of deity –Also note that Jesus accepted the worship
True blindness John 9:39-41 –Jesus brought judgment to the world because man would have to choose what to believe One who formerly did not know God (blind) could now understand God’s will (see) One who thought he knew God’s will (seeing) might now close their eyes against God (blind) –Some Pharisees ask which they were If they had been blind (knew their condition and need), then they would now see (by the light of the world) But since they thought they were okay (seeing), then they were still in sin (blind)
Conclusion There are many reasons why people refuse to believe in Jesus as Christ and Son of God –Confusion, stubbornness, fear, pride, tradition, or prejudice, just to name a few –They may think they see, but are truly blind to their own need In order to truly believe (see) one first needs to understand their need –We are in sin, darkness, blindness without Him Then understand that Jesus is the Light of the world (a way out of sin, darkness, blindness)