Alignment Software from the ME perspective Marcus Hohlmann Florida Tech Muon Alignment meeting during CMS week - CERN, March 15, 2005
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Purpose of this talk Brief update on activities at Florida Tech on ME alignment (hardware & software) Make contact with barrel and link people to coordinate work on software side: –Database work: framework, define data,… –Handling of calibration data –Running COCOA –Getting ready for magnet test
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Reminder: EMU geometry and optical alignment ( DCOPS ) COCOA v2.0 (from R. Lee’s thesis) DCOP sensors SLMs Transfer plates and lasers
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, EMU geometry and analog alignment sensors Future version of COCOA being developed at Fl. Tech R-sensors Z-sensors Note: only small sample of sensors shown Clinometers
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Our Tasks Fl. Tech has agreed to the following tasks: –Calibrate 200+ ME analog sensors (R, Z, Clino.) –Incorporate calib. data into appropriate data base –Develop COCOA so that analog sensors are included for EMU –Help to set up and maintain data base for alignment constants that feed into reconstruction –Use COCOA to produce alignment constants for ME magnet test ME commissioning and first data
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Calibration bench: R, Z 4 types of prod. plates 2 types of prod. towers R-sensor: wire extension pot. R-sensor Z-sensors Linear mover dowel pins for DCOP sensors Stand
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Calibration bench: Clinometer Mirror Clinometer
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Typical Calibration Data Fit line: V(x) = ax + b V(x) = x – σ(a) = σ(b) = Absolute R-Sensor Response vs. Distance: V(x)
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Example of Calibration Record => This needs to find its way into a calibration data base: How exactly ?
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Progress with COCOA Fl. Tech students installed and use COCOA v3.2.1 on Fermilab UAF cluster (with much help from Pedro Arce and Robert Lee - thanks !!) –Generated reasonable outputs for example geometries –Reproducing COCOA simulation of ISR test –Incorporating analog sensors as “distance meters” –Next: Run realistic SLM on road to aligning full ME Problems to be worked out –Often encountering singular matrices and failed fits –Visualization using IGUANA not working yet
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, My simplistic view Feeding ME alignment data into reconstruction Optical & analog sensor data in some database COCOA MB Link ME Some form of Alignment data base ORCA reconstruction what data exactly ? what format ? what data base framework ? update frequency ? … CSC geometry data TRACKS Questions that I have for people from Link & Barrel alignment groups: ? ?
3/15/2005 M. Hohlmann - Muon alignment meeting, CMS week, CERN, March 15, Need communication! Have tried to find out current status, plans, and people involved in corresponding data base and software tasks for Link and Barrel over last month: –Not very successful… –Either I haven’t found the right people yet, or nobody is working on this (which I can’t believe) –If you are the “right” person to talk to, please contact me: We are willing to help with the software and data base work, but we need to “get in the loop” to be of help to the alignment group. I could meet in person with people coming to CMS Physics week at FNAL (April 11-13) to talk ! Thanks!