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Choosing a Lab Hyperlinked Labs CompulsoryOptional
A Typical Infinity Lab Quick overview of material covered Discussion and instruction of topics
A Typical Infinity Lab continued Instructions on how to run the VAB worksheet and discussion of what is happening Questions to be answered
What’s a VAB worksheet? The VAB is where the applications are built which can run on the Infinity board The VAB worksheet is a graphical based environment for connecting existing code modules into larger programs Infinity at CSE has an expanded set of VAB worksheets and code modules which help demonstrate software concepts In addition to the Infinity labs for CSE, there are also libraries of VAB worksheets for labs on more hardware oriented topics like sound waves or analog signals
What’s a VAB worksheet look like?
Your role with Infinity Before the lab – Read the lab purpose and objective – Look at the code examples as described in the text of the lab – Run the VAB During / after the lab – Try various inputs or settings for the lab – Understand all the steps the lab is doing – Understand the function of the programming concept described – Reflect and answer the questions posed
Questions Is Infinity “hard”? – No, in fact those with lots of experience will find the Infinity labs fairly simple What if I already know the concept? – Then focus on extending your understanding or assisting others to understand How does this connect to writing programs? – Infinity is giving a demonstration of real code used for real-world applications Am I supposed to understand EVERYTHING about the code? – No, some concepts won’t be fully explored until later in your CSE career – this is a preview
Questions Does each lab take a long time? – No, most people are able to do all the compulsory labs and most of the optional labs as well during the lab time allocated for the Infinity Project How does this connect to other CSE courses? – The Infinity labs introduce concepts from Data Structures and Algorithms, from Digital Logic, and from Embedded Systems among other classes. These classes are a year or two into your future but with Infinity you can see a connection between where you are now and where you will be.
Grading You will not be graded on right or wrong answers You will be graded on whether you attempt the questions