Nutrition information on food labels Core Unit
Nutrition information on food labels What is new? What does it mean? How do you use it? #1
What is different at the grocery store? Before only some foods had nutrition labelling the nutrition information looked different on different products each label had different amounts of information optional nutrition claims could be made After most foods have Nutrition Facts standard format so that it looks the same on all products more complete information that is easy to find and read claims can also be made about a diet-disease relationship #S1a
Nutrition information on food labels #2
Nutrition Facts: Easy to find, easy to read and on more foods Standard Format #S3a
Nutrition Facts: Easy to find, easy to read and on more foods Horizontal Format Linear Format #S3b
What food products have Nutrition Facts? Almost all prepackaged foods have Nutrition Facts some exceptions: fresh fruit and vegetables raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood foods prepared or processed at the store bakery items, sausage, salads foods that contain very few nutrients coffee beans, tea leaves, spices alcoholic beverages #4
Are foods with a Nutrition Facts table better? Many foods are important for healthy eating, including Grain Products (breads, cereal, rice, pasta) Vegetables and Fruit Milk Products (milk, cheese, yogurt) Meat and Alternatives (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes) Some are served in restaurants. Some are grown in your garden. #S4a
Use Nutrition Facts to make informed food choices to help you choose foods that meet your needs to easily compare similar foods to look for foods with more or less of a specific nutrient to select foods for special diets #5
Use Nutrition Facts to make informed food choices Compare similar foods so that you can choose the healthier one Product 1 #S5a Product 2
Use Nutrition Facts to make informed food choices Compare similar foods to find one that has more iron Ziti Cut PastaPenne Rigate #S5b
Nutrition Facts: ACTIVITY Which yogurt has less fat or more calcium? Blueberry Yogurt 2.5 % M.F. Low fat Blueberry Yogurt #A5a
Nutrition Facts ACTIVITY Which cookie would be a better choice? #A5b
Serving size the specific amount of food listed under the “Nutrition Facts” title all nutrient information is based on this amount of food listed in common measures you use at home #6
Serving Size ACTIVITY Light Tuna 170 g in water (120 g drained weight) You make two tuna sandwiches from this can. How many Calories will you get from the tuna in two sandwiches? #A6a
Nutrition Facts are based on a specific amount of food Compare this to the amount you eat and Canada’s Food Guide Example: Breakfast Cereal Food Label bran cereal with raisins 1 cup (59 g) Food Guide 30 g At home 1 ½ cups bran cereal with raisins #7
Nutrition Facts are based on a specific amount of food. Compare this to the amount you eat Label 1 single serving bottle of orange juice (350 mL) At home 1 glass of orange juice #S7a
Nutrition Facts are based on a specific amount of food. Compare this to the amount you eat Label 1 single serving package of peanuts (75 g) At home 2 – 3 handfuls of peanuts #S7b
Nutrition Facts are based on a specific amount of food. Compare this to the amount you eat Label 1 single serving package of peanuts (75 g) At home 2 – 3 handfuls of peanuts #S7b
Nutrition Facts are based on a specific amount of food. Compare this to the amount you eat Label (1 cup dry (88 g)) 2 cups of cooked pasta At home or at a restaurant Pasta – side dish or main meal? #S7c
% Daily Value can make it easier to compare foods helps you see if a food has a lot or a little of a nutrient provides a context to the actual amount of a nutrient #8
ACTIVITY Birthday cake for your uncle #A8a
Use % Daily Value to see if a food has a lot or a little of a nutrient The actual numbers can be confusing, for example: 2 mg of iron seems small but it is 15 % of the Daily Value for iron 110 mg of sodium seems large but it is only 5 % of the Daily Value for sodium % Daily Value makes it easy to see if there is a lot or a little of a nutrient without having to do any math. #9
Use Nutrition Facts to make informed food choices Increasing or decreasing a specific nutrient... Choosing between two similar products... #10
Use Nutrition Facts to make informed food choices Compare similar foods to find the one that has les fat and saturated fat Steak DinnerLasagna with Lean Meat #S10a
% Daily Value ACTIVITY Which product is the better source of iron? Sirloin BurgersChicken Burgers #A10a
% Daily Value ACTIVITY Compare fat in three different snack foods Cheese-flavour Popcorn Tortilla ChipsPretzels #A10b
List of ingredients all of the ingredients for a food are listed by weight, from the most to the least (the ingredient that is in the largest amount is listed first) is present on prepackaged foods is a source of allergy information is a source of certain nutrient information #11
Nutrition Facts / List of Ingredients ACTIVITY Frozen Peaches and Cream CornWhole Kernel Corn (canned) Ingredients: whole kernel corn Ingredients: corn, water, salt for taste #A11a
Nutrition claims They are: regulated statements made when a food meets certain criteria optional, so may be found only on some food products often on the front of food packages a quick and easy way to get information about a food #12
Nutrition claims When you want to decrease the amount of certain nutrients... Free none or hardly any of this nutrient an example is “sodium free” Low a small amount an example is “low fat” Reduced at least 25% less of the nutrient than a similar product an example is “reduced in Calories” Light can be used on foods that are reduced in fat or reduced in Calories #13
Nutrition Facts / List of Ingredients ACTIVITY Which is lower in fat? #A13a Regular Potato ChipsLow Fat Potato Chips
Nutrition claims When you want to increase the amount of certain nutrients... Source contains a useful amount of the nutrient an example is “source of fibre” High or good source contains a high amount of the nutrient an example is “high in vitamin C” Very high or excellent source contains a very high amount of the nutrient an example is “excellent source of calcium” #14
Nutrition Claims ACTIVITY Which one is the better source of fibre? Product #1Product #2 Low in Fat Cholesterol Free A source of Dietary fibre 40% less fat than our original crackers #A14a
Nutrition Claims ACTIVITY The following two claims were listed on similar products. What is the difference? Reduced in fatCholesterol free #A14b
Nutrition claims “A healthy diet low in saturated and trans fats may reduce the risk of heart disease. (Naming the food) is free of saturated and trans fats.” #15
Use nutrition claims to make informed food choices “A healthy diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruit may help reduce the risk of some types of cancer.” #S15a
Use nutrition claims to make informed food choices “A healthy diet containing foods high in potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, a risk factor for stroke and heart disease. (Naming the food) is low in sodium.” #S15b
Use nutrition claims to make informed food choices “A healthy diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D, and regular physical activity, help to achieve strong bones and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. (Naming the food) is a good source of calcium.” #S15c
Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating #16
Nutrition labelling: a tool to support healthy eating Food Guide Message Enjoy a variety of foods from each group every day Label Information check your grocery cart to ensure foods from all the food groups are included – with and without labels Choose lower fat foods more often Nutrition Facts - % DV Nutrition claims such as “lower in fat” #17
Nutrition labelling: a tool to support healthy eating Food Guide Message Choose whole grains and enriched products more often Label Information List of ingredients Nutrition Facts Nutrition claims Choose dark green or orange vegetables and orange fruit more often List of ingredients Nutrition Facts #18
Nutrition labelling: a tool to support healthy eating Food Guide Message Choose lower fat milk products more often Label Information Nutrition claims Nutrition Facts List of ingredients Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often Nutrition claims Nutrition Facts List of ingredients #19
Healthy Eating ACTIVITY Choose lower fat milk products more often Partly Skimmed Milk 1% M.F.Homogenized Milk 3.25% M.F. #A19a
Healthy Eating ACTIVITY Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often Product #1 Frozen marinated chicken breasts Product #2 Frozen breaded chicken breast strips #A19b
A healthy you! Enjoy eating well, being active and feeling good about yourself. #20
Choose a variety of food for healthy eating #S20a
A tool to support healthy eating Helps you choose foods #S20b