Trace element ** Iron :
Enter information of hemoglobin . 45 mg \ Kg body weight . Enter information of hemoglobin . Storage mainly in the liver ,spleen ,& bone marrow . Excess iron storage called hemosidrosis . Absorbed in acidic media of the stomach
factors increased absorption of iron : 1- body need : during growth period [ pregnancy ,lactation ,childhood ] 2-acidic media : vit c aid in absorption of iron 3- calcium *factors decrease iron absorption : 1- substance as phosphate ,tea ,coffee 2- reduce gastric acid secretion 3- infection 4 –GIT disease as malabsorption
physiological function of iron : oxygen transport cellular oxidation to produce energy . growth need ** iron deficiency anemia may be : nutritional anemia ,inadequate supply of iron hemorrhagic anemia ,excessive iron blood loss. Post gastrectomy anemia Malabsorption anemia Chronic disease anemia [ arthritis ] *source of iron in food : liver ,egg ,vegetables ,cereals ,flour ,bread .
** Iodine -participate in synthesis of thyroxin hormone - 20% on iodine in thyroid gland -absorbed in small intestine in form of iodide ,go to blood stream ,join with protein to thyroid gland & other tissue . * physiological function of iodine : 1- thyroid hormone synthesis 2- plasma thyroxin : carry iodine in plasma protein to body cell [ muscle ,skin ,skeletal tissue ] - hypothyroidism : decrease thyroxin hormone , creationism in children ,myexdema in adult . - goiter is an enlargement of thyroid gland with decrease function . \\ food source of iodine is sea food .
** Zink : -stored in pancreas , liver ,kidney ,lung ,muscle ,bone , prostate . * deficiency of Zink lead to : 1- hypogonadism : decrease function of gonads 2-taste & smell defect 3-decrease wound healing 4-chronic illness in aging [ reduce immune function ] 5- malabsorption disease . - food source : sea food ,meat ,egg .
** Copper : iron twin act on energy production deficiency occur with total parentral nutrition found in liver ,seafood ,nuts ,seeds ** Manganese : stored in liver ,bone ,pancreas ,pituitary important in metabolic reaction . deficiency of manganese in D.M source : plant food ,cereal ,grains ,nuts ,tea ,coffee , vegetables .
** Fluoride : found in bone & teeth . deficiency of this substance lead to dental caries . fish & fish product & tea contain the highest concentration of fluoride . fluoridation of public water is very important .