paint A coloured liquid that is put on a surface such as a wall to decorate it
Paint brush An object with short pieces of stiff hair, plastic or wire fixed into a usually wooden or plastic base or handle, which is used for cleaning, tidying the hair or painting
Tube of color A long thin container made of soft metal or plastic, which is closed at one end and has a small hole at the other, usually with a cover, and which is used for storing thick liquids
A long thin usually wooden object for writing or drawing, with a sharp black or other colored point, made from a type of carbon, at one end Pencil colors
paint set A group of similar things that belong together in some way
collection A group of objects of one type that have been collected by one person or in one place
artist pad A number of pieces of paper that have been fastened together along one side, which is used for writing or drawing on
tell a story
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