Vincent William Van Gogh
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Biography WINSENT VAN GOGH - the Dutch painter, the etcher, one of the largest representatives of postimpressionism. Was born March, 30, 1853 in a village Grott Zunder in a province Northern Brabant about southern border of Holland. At christening name Vincent William was given to him in honors of hi grandfather, and prefix Gogh, probably, goes from the name of small small town Gogh that stood at a dense wood in the neighborhood with border... His father, Theodore Van Gogh, was the priest, all in family was six children. In 16 years becomes the seller of pictures, but in 23 years he decides to become the preacher and leaves on the south of Belgium for settlement Borinazh. Having faced gloomy poverty and full indifference of church authorities, he for ever leaves with official religion. In here he understands itself the artist and decides to serve a society by means of the art. It was necessary for destiny, that In. Van Gogh has lead last decade life's existing on money of brother Teo, of the unique person which supported him up to the end. And July, 27 Van Gogh leaves a house and is sent in fields to work in the open air. After returning, after the persevering inquiries of couple Ravu concerned with his suppressed kind, he admits, that shot at himself from a pistol (the weapon so never and will not be found). Doctor Gashe and at once urgently arrives reports the matter. The brother directs to him to the aid, but destiny Vincent is already predetermined: he dies at night July, 29 in the age of thirty seven years. Terrestrial life of Van Gogh was finished - and the legend about Van Gogh, last truly great artist on a planet the Earth began.
Portraits « Picturesque portraits live own life, proceed directly from soul of the artist any machine » can not carry out that. So expresses Van Gogh the opinion of the photographic portrait rather widely distributed at that time. For Van Gogh the portrait is a research of human soul, attempt to take on a surface that is usually hidden in the deepest layers of consciousness. Portrait painting Van Gogh counted " the best and most serious side arts ". Despite of unusual engineering, portraits Van Gogh quite often shake by the depth of knowledge and expression of soul and ideas of the represented person.
Self-portraits Van Gogh similar on own great predecessor, Dutch artist Rembrandta Van Rheina that both they have written huge amount of self-portraits, more than someone from other great artists. It is similar of Rembrandt, Van Gogh steadfastly studied itself, and it was for him road to knowledge of the universe.
Series picture A series of pictures with the image of sunflowers began one of the most well-known products of the artist. Alongside with fantastic "Starlit night" sunflowers began, some kind of, a symbol of painting of Van Gogh. Originally Van Gogh wrote sunflowers with the purpose to decorate the house in Arel to arrival of the friend of Pole Goghen. " The Heavenly arch - delightful blue color. Solar beams - pale yellow. This soft, magic combination heavenly лазури and yellow tones from pictures of Vermeera Delftscogo... I do not manage to write something so fine... "
Landscapes From all themes and the genres of the fine arts mentioned Vincent, the greatest attention from him has got to a landscape. Vincent loved a nature alive, hot, and passionate, it is all the same the extraterrestrial love indefinitely far from the cold and utilitarian relation of his contemporaries. Only Van Gogh, strong as hurricane, and naive as the child, could write such fields, such stars, such sky and such trees. He blazed the love to a nature, and burned down in her, not reflecting for one minute...