Kellogg’s Cornflakes Scott fransham
1910 – this is the kind of image they used to sell products 100 years ago. The colours are quite pale
1919 – this is a newspaper article advertising the cereal as a good quality product
1920s – still called Toasted Corn Flakes the packet is becoming more colourful
1950s – just called Corn Flakes and the writing is larger
1961 – the cockerel was put on the box and this a mini boxes of corn flakes
1970s – even more colourful box and they show the cereal in the bowl too
1980s - still using the cockerel and cereal pictures and now saying about having healthy vitamins and iron in
2000 – the brand is more 3D for the first time. There are also strawberries in the bowl like in the 1970s packets. People probably thought they were healthy
2015 – this packet is more modern with a 3D cockerel design and the con flakes is written up the side of the box. Says about the vitamins and how healthy the cereal is at the top of the box