I II III Unit Conversions CH. 1 - MEASUREMENT
A. SI Prefix Conversions mega-M10 6 deci-d10 -1 centi-c10 -2 milli-m10 -3 PrefixSymbolFactor micro- nano-n10 -9 pico-p kilo-k10 3 move left move right BASE UNIT
A. SI Prefix Conversions 1) 20 cm = ______________ m 2) L = ______________ mL 3) 45 m = ______________ nm 4) 805 dm = ______________ km ,000 32
Length 1km = 1000 m 1m =100 cm 1m =1000 mm 1nm= 1.0 x m Mass 1 ounce (oz) = grams (g) 1 pound (lb) = grams (g) 1 kilogram (km) = pounds (lb) A. Common Units and Their Equivalents Volume 1 liter (L) = 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) 1 U.S. gallon (gal) = liters (L) 1 liter (L) = quarts (qt) 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL)
B. Dimensional Analysis The “Factor-Label” Method Units, or “labels” are canceled, or “factored” out
B. Dimensional Analysis Steps: 1. Identify starting & ending units. 2. Line up conversion factors so units cancel. 3. Multiply all top numbers & divide by each bottom number. 4. Check units & answer.
B. Dimensional Analysis Lining up conversion factors: 1 in = 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 in 1 in = 1 1 =
B. Dimensional Analysis How many milliliters are in 1.00 quart of milk? 1.00 qt 1 L qt = 946 mL qtmL 1000 mL 1 L
B. Dimensional Analysis You have 1.5 pounds of gold. Find its volume in cm 3 if the density of gold is 19.3 g/cm 3. lbcm lb 1 kg 2.2 lb = 35 cm g 1 kg 1 cm g
B. Dimensional Analysis How many liters of water would fill a container that measures 75.0 in 3 ? 75.0 in 3 (2.54 cm) 3 (1 in) 3 = 1.23 L in 3 L 1 L 1000 cm 3
B. Dimensional Analysis 5) Your European hairdresser wants to cut your hair 8.0 cm shorter. How many inches will he be cutting off? 8.0 cm1 in 2.54 cm = 3.2 in cmin
B. Dimensional Analysis 6) Taft football needs 550 cm for a 1st down. How many yards is this? 550 cm 1 in 2.54 cm = 6.0 yd cmyd 1 ft 12 in 1 yd 3 ft
B. Dimensional Analysis 7) A piece of wire is 1.3 m long. How many 1.5-cm pieces can be cut from this wire? 1.3 m 100 cm 1 m = 86 pieces cmpieces 1 piece 1.5 cm
A typical thermometer is a calibrated, or numbered, glass tube containing mercury. The silver mercury in the tube rises, or expands, when warmth of an object increases. C. Thermometers
There are three systems for measuring temperature. Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin C. Thermometers
Fahrenheit. The first scale is measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 32 to 212 degrees.
Celsius The other scale is measured in degrees Celsius. . The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 0 to 100 degrees.
absolute scale (used for gasses) no negative numbers 0 K = absolute zero Kelvin Scale, K
Temperature Conversion Table From Fahrenheit (F o to C o ) (F - 32) * 5/9 Celsius (C o to F o ) (C * 9/5) + 32 Kelvin (C o to K o ) C + 273
C. The Thermometer and its calibration Pg 5 Observed freezing points Observed boiling point Observed atmospheric pressure Observed boiling point with correction
C. The Thermometer and its calibration Thermometer Correction = (760 mmHg – atm pressure) x C/mm)
C. The Thermometer and its calibration Create two graphs on a computer Observed temp C vs Theorteical temp C Pg 14 questions 9 Fahrenheit VS Celsius
Generating a graph
Trend line 1. Determine and label X and Y axis 2. Highlight numerical data 3. Click graph icon 4. Choose scatter graph 5. Determine if your data is in columns or rows 6. Label graph and x and y axis 7. Generate graph 8. Click on data points in graph 9. Click on chart tab 10. Click on add trendline and Choose linear 11. Click on options and click on display equation on chart