The ability to attract certain materials.
The two size-dependent properties
Bose-Einstein condensates are part of this property.
I am what allows sugar to dissolve in water.
Water’s is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Your weight would be different on each planet but this would stay the same.
This is how much space you take up.
What happens to the boiling point of water as you go up a mountain?
This is how well you get electrocuted!
This is why some things float and others don’t.
Use this to separate iron filings from sand.
This property allows you to sift smaller things from bigger things.
This property deals with transferring heat well.
This helps separate sugar and sand.
This is determined by the pull of gravity on matter.
If you increase the pressure above a liquid, what happens to its boiling point?
Name all five states of matter.
Sand does not dissolve in water so it has low what?
This point is the same as the freezing point.
This is how much matter makes you up.
Copper is used in wiring because it has high what?
Name the 6 size-independent properties.