1 ROMTELECOM Liberalization of Telecommunication Market LIBERALIZATION OF TELECOMMUNICATION MARKET KOSTAS MELITAS Executive Commercial Director
2 ROMTELECOM Liberalization of Telecommunication Market What we mean finally What the state should do What the state is doing How ROMTELECOM is preparing
3 ROMTELECOM Liberalization of Telecommunication Market What we mean finally Public Voice Telephony Local loop What the state should do Legal stable telecommunication framework (to include Interconnection, collocation, universal service) Establish an independent Regulatory Body To be assisted by telecom. experts
4 ROMTELECOM Liberalization of Telecommunication Market What the state is doing Is working on developing the legal framework Not independent Regulatory Body Not assisted by telecom. experts Impression that is looking for funds
5 ROMTELECOM Liberalization of Telecommunication Market How Romtelecom is preparing We developed a stable policy regarding interconnection, universal service, loca l loop We are now preparing our policy for collocation Total restructuring our business policy by: Offering new services Improving the service quality Expanding our sales network Focusing on business customers Developing strategic alliances Business profit oriented policy