Myleah Sperbeck
What gives people diseases? What drinks blood? What gives people bug bites? What lives by shady places? Mosquitos. Let’s learn more.
Did you know that house Mosquitoes are as small as a little fingernail. Mosquitoes are one of the smallest insects. They also have big eyes and they have three pairs of legs and one pair of wings. They have three body parts. The body parts are a head, a middle, and a abdomen.
Mosquitoes live by swamps, near shady places, pools full of water, and small puddles. They rest on walls and ceilings. They also live in tropical forest in the far north. They hide in tall grass, weeds, and bushes.
Did you know that adult Mosquitoes don’t eat much but they eat nectar or fruit from flowers. Girl Mosquitoes drink blood from people and animals.
Females lay their eggs on the surface of a small pond or puddle. She lays up to 300 eggs at a time. Then they form a tinny raft. After a couple hours the eggs hatch to a tiny larva then it escapes through the bottom and swims away.
Mosquitos give people diseases. Dragonflies eat Mosquitos. The worst part about mosquitoes are the annoying mosquito bites
“Mosquitoes.” PebbleGo. June 10, Mosquitos by Jill Bailey