CHINA DYNASTIES. Events Outside of China at the Same Time Outside Dynasty Egypt Neolithic, Shang Assyria Zhou Greece Qin Roman Empire Han Dark Ages.


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Presentation transcript:


Events Outside of China at the Same Time Outside Dynasty Egypt Neolithic, Shang Assyria Zhou Greece Qin Roman Empire Han Dark Ages Three Kingdoms,Jin, Sui CharlemagneTang, Five Dynasties Feudalism Song, Yuan Renaissance Ming Industrial Revolution Qing

Qin Dynasty bc First dynasty to rule/create “China” First Emperor of China-Shi Huangdi United China together Strong central government Start of bureaucracy Military expansion Starts the construction of the Great Wall Actually made of 4 connected walls

Qin Inventions? Legalism Standardized writing and language Standardized money Standardized system of measurement Irrigation projects Building of the Great Wall Terra cotta army Expanded Network of Roads and Canals Multiplication Table

Han Dynasty 206 b.c.e -220 c.e. Confucian style government Rise of Scholar Class Introduce Civil Service Examination Invent paper and porcelain

End of the Han Dynasty Patronage caused people to make bad decisions. The taxes were extremely high and the farmers revolted. The Han Dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven and was torn apart.

Han Inventions? Silk Road Papermaking Iron technology (cast iron) plowshares;Moldboard plow (kuan) Glazed pottery Wheelbarrow Seismograph (Chang Heng) Compass Ship's rudder Stirrups Drawloom weaving Embroidery for decorating garments Hot Air Balloon Chinese Examination System

3 kingdoms Complete chaos…. Lots of death and destruction…

Confucianism Respect for elders Good conduct Completing duties to the family Attaining virtue by studying the classics (scholarship) or serving the government (public service)

Daoism Based on the teachings of Laozi (a Chinese Philosopher) Emphasized living in harmony with nature Being content with life

Tang Dynasty Period of peace and stability Expansion of Silk Road to increase trade Buddhism Many new inventions

Tang Inventions Tea Block Printing Scroll painting Three Doctrines (Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism) Gunpowder Porcelain Brandy and whiskey Flame-thrower Matches, Odometer, Umbrella, Paddle Wheel Ship

5 Dynasties Death and Chaos….

Song Dynasty Period of peace and stability Buddhism + Confucianism = Neo-Confucianism Tons of new inventions

Song Inventions Magnetic compass Rocket and multi-stage rockets Printing (movable type) Guns and Cannons Winemaking Chain Drive Mechanism Mechanical Clock

Yuan Dynasty China falls to the Mongolians/Khans Genghis Khan Government was extremely cruel to the Chinese Lots of trade with foreigners and the West Marco Polo – 1 st European account of China

Yuan Inventions Decimal Numbers Chairs

Ming Dynasty Expansionist and Isolationist Fear of foreign influence