HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE A Place to Work 1. Find the right place 2. Gather all necessary materials
HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE Organizing Homework/Setting Priorities 1. List of all assignments 2. Need all necessary books, materials 3. Breakdown tasks 4. Check it out 5. Sandwich assignments (easy, hard, easy) 6. How much time is needed? 7. Allow enough time, allow a break time
HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE Getting Started 1. Set a specific homework time 2. Monitor first 5 min, off to a good start 3. Talk about assignments with child, encourage best efforts 4. Walk your child through a few problems 5. Build in a short break
HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE Getting Through It 1. Set time limits (kitchen timer, stopwatch, “beat the clock”…) 2. Switch assignments, don’t burn out 3. Make a back-on-track taped message
HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE Long-Term Assignments 1. Know when the work is due 2. Break it down into subtasks 3. Draw up a timeline
HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE Incentive Systems (if needed) 1. Develop a point system 2. Draw up a job list with your child 3. Determine how many points 4. Record points earned (chart or notebook) 5. Revise the system as needed
Parent Role: To Help or To Monitor 1. DGL practice Discuss-Guide-Leave alone (ripping the velcro) 2. Check out neatness and accuracy May need a rewrite, tell # of errors or point out errors… 3. Homework is to provide independent practice with skills already taught 4. Conference with teacher if ?’s regarding time, amount, success level… HOMEWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE