Beginning Graphic Design
Graphic Elements Page 2 1.Lines a. Straight: Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal b. Curved: Circular, Irregular c. Combination 2. Shapes a. Two Dimensional: Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Polygon b. Three Dimensional: Sphere, Cone, Cube, etc… 3. Text a. Font Families b. Serif / Sans-Serif 4. Color / Shading 5. White Space / Negative Space a. Unused space
Graphic Manipulations Page 3 1. Change Size a. Proportional / Stretch, Skew 2. Change Location a. Move to a different area 3. Change Position a. Flip b. Rotate 4. Repetition 5. Combination of Graphic Elements a. Connecting elements b. Overlapping elements 6. Fragmentation a. Cutting element into pieces by lines, gaps or shading 7. Changing Tone or Density of Color / Shading
Basic Graphic Creation Page 4 1. Modular GraphicsModular Graphics 2. Combination of ShapesCombination of Shapes 3. RepetitionRepetition 4. Symbol FontsSymbol Fonts 5. Screen CaptureScreen Capture 6. Clip Art ManipulationClip Art Manipulation
Modular Graphics Page 5 The Beginning….. 1. Open Paint 2. From the IMAGE menu select Attributes 3. Specify the total size of your square / rectangle. 4. Fill your document with Basic Graphic ElementsBasic Graphic Elements Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Modular Graphics Page 6 …..The Middle….. 1. Open a NEW Paint Document From the START menu 2. From the IMAGE menu select Attributes 3. Specify an 8-1/2” x 11” size 4. Resize window so you can view both documents. Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Modular Graphics Page 7 …..The End 1. From the EDIT menu of your original document choose Select All 2. From the EDIT menu select Copy 3. Click on the 8-1/2” x 11” document window to make it active 4. Paste your original image 2 – 4 times 5. Using the Rotate & Flip commands experiment for best results. 6. Using the transparent paste option, position your images together to form a single image Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Modular Graphics Page 8 EXAMPLE Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 9 1. Look for Basic shapes contained in any object 2. Draw basic shapes either connected or over lapping 3. Add / Erase / Change colors as necessary for detailed drawing Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 10 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 11 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 12 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 13 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 14 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Combination of Shapes Page 15 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Repetition Page Draw or Select an Object or Clip Art 2. Copy, then paste multiple times. 3. Experiment with placement of copies, color, size, fragmentation 4. Some Student ExamplesSome Student Examples Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Repetition Page 17 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Symbol Fonts Page Use the Character Map Utility to select appropriate symbols 2. From the START menu select Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Character Map 3. Use scroll box to display the contents of the Font 4. Select desired symbol, manipulate to suit needs. Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Symbol Fonts Page 19 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Symbol Fonts Page 20 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Screen Capture Page Use the Screen Capture Utility to copy on screen elements a. With desired images visible press Print Scrn to copy the contents of the monitor to the clipboard. 2. To copy the contents of the Active Window ONLY… a. Press and HOLD the ALT key while pressing the Print Scrn Key 3. Open PAINT 4. From the EDIT menu select Paste 5. Manipulate images as desired Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Screen Capture Page 22 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip
Clip Art Manipulations Page 23 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip 1. Use the following Link to access instructions for some basic clip art manipulations 2. Clip Art ManipulationsClip Art Manipulations
Future Artist? Page 24 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip From this……..
Future Artist? Page 25 Mod GraphicsMod Graphics I Combination of Shapes I Repetition I Symbol Fonts I Screen Capture I Clip Art ManipCombination of ShapesRepetitionSymbol FontsScreen CaptureClip Art Manip From this……..To this ? For More Student Examples