Annual University-wide survey of first year undergraduates. Lets senior management know the most important issues for first year students. Fully supported by the Students’ Union. Conducted by the University’s Centre for Educational Development. The Survey is anonymous and you will not be identified. Quick and easy to complete. Plus there are four £50 prizes.
A report on the results goes to the University’s senior committees where it informs the development of new policies affecting students. It also helps management monitor the operation of existing policies. An analysis of the results goes to senior managers in Schools and student services. This allows them to identify things they are doing well and things where there is room for improvement. Senior managers in Schools and student services have to report on the action they have taken in response to the results.
The results provide a basis for reviewing how things are done and implementing change. For example, they let senior managers know: that the arrangements for personal tutoring were working better in some Schools than in others that students still want more feedback on their assignments notwithstanding increased satisfaction with the speed with which feedback is given what students thought of the New Library in its first year of operation.
To provide a sound basis for implementing change, student feedback must be truly representative of student opinion. Every student who participates increases the reliability of the results.
The Survey is completed online. The University’s Centre for Educational Development will all students with the web-link. This will be on Monday 21 February. reminders will be sent to students who have not completed on Monday 21 March and Monday 28 March. Don’t forget the Survey is anonymous. You are not identified and the results are not published in a form that would allow you to be identified. You can opt to be included in the draw for one of four £50 prizes.