1 4 PCB: LEFT TOP 115 channels, LEFT BOTTOM (115), RIGHT TOP (106), RIGHT BOTTOM (106). For LEFT TOP board 115 channels we have: 115 smd connectors (AMP 10 pin) for preamp very similar to previous version (pin slightly smaller). It is the same of FT- Cal motherboard. 15 TE signal connectors from 16 pin each, equal to previous version. 2 HV connectors (15 pin) DSUB 750V, 5A, trough hole different to previous for a easier routing. 1 LV connectors (6 pin). We can use a very similar HV grouping. We can use the same cable as discussed with Stepan Stepanyan. HPS Motherboard Electronic Design
2 Design Block of 10
3 LEFT TOP Design (115 channels)
4 LEFT BOTTOM Design (115 channels)
5 HV Grouping (Proposal)
6 LEFT TOP Mechanical (from Orsay)
7 4 PCB: LEFT TOP 115 channels, LEFT BOTTOM (115), RIGHT TOP (106), RIGHT BOTTOM (106). Board Dimension is 400x240 mm and 143 component each. Board Thickness = 2.5 mm. Layout specifications: 10 Layers (3 signals + 1 for High Voltage + 1 fan-out + 5 GND). 115 signal traces with 50 Ohms impedance. Signal: 0.2 mm line width and 0.2 mm min. spacing. HV: 0.5 mm line width and 0.8 mm min. spacing. Ground ring between two signals. HPS Motherboard Layout Design
8 LEFT TOP Routing (preliminary)
9 Routing Zoom on 3 columns
10 Mechanical Specifications with Orsay. Done! Design of LEFT TOP and LEFT BOTTOM boards. Done! Layout routing of LEFT TOP and LEFT BOTTOM boards. NOW Design of RIGHT TOP and RIGHT BOTTOM boards with the correct HV grouping. November. Layout routing of RIGHT TOP and RIGHT BOTTOM boards. End of year. Board Productions and Assembly (with the same company used for the FT-Cal). rough estimate 5Keuro. January Test on Electrical connections and Full crosstalk test with FT-Cal crystals. February HPS Motherboard Next Steps