OBJECTIVE: To learn the components of optical Netwoks To understand the concepts of second generation networks To learn the concepts of broadcast and select Networks, wavelength routing & high capacity networks
UNIT I OPTICAL NETWORKING COMPONENTS First Generation Optical Networks Second Generation Optical Networks Couplers Isolators & Circulators Multiplexers & Filters Amplifiers Switches Wavelength Converters
UNIT II SONET AND SDH NETWORKS Integration of TDM signals Layers Framing Transport overhead Alarms multiplexing Network elements Topologies Protection architectures Ring architectures Network management
UNIT III BROADCAST AND SELECT NETWORKS Topologies Single hop Multi-hop Shufflenet multi-hop network Media Access control protocols Test beds
UNIT IV WAVELENGTH ROUTING NETWORKS Node design Issues in network design and operation Optical layer cost tradeoffs Routing and wavelength assignment Wavelength routing test beds
UNIT V HIGH CAPACITY NETWORKS SDM – TDM and WDM approaches Application areas Optical TDM networks Multiplexing and demultiplexing Synchronization Broadcast networks Switch based networks OTDM test beds
TEXT BOOKS 1. Rajiv, Ramaswami and Kumar Sivarajan, “Optical Networks: A practical perspective”, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. 2. Keiser G., “Optical fiber communication systems”, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
REFERENCES 1. Vivek Alwayn, “Optical Network Design and Implementation”, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Hussein T. Mouftab and Pin-Han Ho, “Optical Networks: Architecture and Survivability”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
SEMINAR TOPICS Isolators Circulators Layers Single-hop Optical layer cost tradeoffs Broadcast networks
ASSIGNMENT TOPICS Wavelength Converters Ring architectures Synchronization Media Access control protocols OTDM test beds