Active Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies 1) Preview 2) Set a Purpose 3) Connect 4) Use Prior Knowledge 5) Predict 6) Visualize 7) Monitor 8) Making Inferences
Preview Look at the story before you begin reading Scan the title - Skim the first paragraph to see what the text is about
Set a Purpose Ask yourself this: Why are you reading the text? learn, to be entertained, or another reason? How does the purpose affect your reading?
Connect - Try to personally involve yourself in the text - Think about the characters, situations, emotions in the text. Do they remind you of people, things, or experiences from your own life? - Put yourself in the character's shoes
Use Prior Knowledge - Think about what you already know about a topic - Write down some facts before you read - Use the information you know to help understand and analyze what your reading
Predict - Try to guess what will happen in the story What is the story about? What will happen next? - Play detective...take note of details that seem to hint at where the story is going
Visualize - Try to picture what is being described - Pay attention to character/setting descriptions - Use details to help shape understanding
Monitor - Check for understanding as you read - Question what is happening and why - Reread for clarification - Evaluate your reading
Make Inferences - Make guesses (draw conclusions) based on details from the text - Draw from your own experiences