PHSSL Style Parliamentary Debate October 11, 2010 To listen to the audio, Skype: freeconferencecallhd and enter # Or dial and enter #
Motions 1. That this house believes that the use of nuclear energy should be expanded. 2. That this house believes that the minimum wage should be abolished. 3. That this house will presume consent for organ donation. 4. That this house believes that the US should abandon the war on drugs. 5. That this house believes that the filibuster is a useful tool in government. 6. That this house believes that the Federal Government must have an expanded role in the face of disasters.
The Speeches First Proposition- 6 min First Opposition- 6 min Second Proposition- 6 min Second Opposition- 6 min Third Proposition- 6 min Third Opposition-6 min Opposition Reply- 3 min Proposition Reply- 3 min Replies may not be given by the third speaker. When time has elapsed, the speaker may finish her thought, then must sit.
Points of Information Questions asked by opponents during speeches Opponent may stand between the first and last minute of constructive To be recognized: stand up (some do teapot, some say “Point of Order”) Speaking debater has complete control, may decline Customary to take 1 or 2 per speech No follow up questions
The debate Pounding in support of arguments Conversational tone Rhetorical style is good, humor is good
The Proposition Case Plans are not necessary, but allowed Definitions are not necessary, but a plan which outlines burdens is good
Constructive Speeches May introduce new arguments 1 & 2 should have independent points, 3 should be refutation Clash is necessary, but not all points are created equally Arguments should have warrants and data, with impacts
Reply speeches Should crystallize the round & re-frame the arguments Don’t need to talk about everything No new arguments
How to Judge a Round YOU MUST FLOW Blend the importance of argument and rhetoric Weigh “heavy” impacts (nuclear war) against “light” impacts (freedom of speech) No personal beliefs are allowed.
Other places to look has good rounds online Don’t bother with the “cosmetic surgery” sample round from PHSSL Feel free to send us an