Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 1 Dave Schumacher.


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Presentation transcript:

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 1 Dave Schumacher San Diego Association of Governments Minneapolis BRT & Road Pricing Roundtable October 8, 2004 Managed Lanes in San Diego HOV, BRT, & Value Pricing

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 2 Managed Lanes in San Diego HOV, BRT, & Value Pricing Presentation Topics Transit First Strategy BRT Characteristics Existing I-15 Facility I-15 Managed Lanes/BRT Design 2030 Regional Transportation Plan

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 3 Increased congestion is putting ‘pressure’ on transit to assume a greater role in addressing regional mobility. Future Current Managed Lanes in San Diego Transit First Strategy

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 4 Light Rail Local Bus The challenge is to apply the appropriate mode in the appropriate area. BRT can serve new markets BRT can range from “high end” to “low end” service depending on:  Priority treatments  Vehicle types  Station development  Customer amenities Bus Rapid Transit Managed Lanes in San Diego Role of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 5 …along with station designs that create pleasant and attractive places. Rail-like vehicles will have features that improve comfort, speed, and safety... Distinctive designs, styling, and graphics can provide the look and feel of rail transit. Managed Lanes in San Diego BRT Characteristics

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 6 BRT also means multiple door, low floor vehicles for ease of boarding... …and advanced technologies such as next-vehicle information. Paying attention to the little details is what will attract new market segments to transit. …“Smart Card” fare collection… Managed Lanes in San Diego BRT Characteristics

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 7 The Problem The success of transit in attracting new riders greatly depends on implementing transit priority measures. Millions $$ spent annually to keep buses on time due to congestion For transit to be effective, speed and reliability are essential. Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 8 BRT – Guideway 100% exclusive right-of-way Major capital investment High reliability Moderate-high speed BRT – HOV Shared HOV with carpools/FasTrak Major capital investment Medium-high reliability Moderate-high speed BRT – Arterial Some mixed-flow, some priority Low-moderate capital costs Medium reliability Moderate speed Managed Lanes in San Diego Types of BRT

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 9 Downtown North I-15 Corridor 8-mile reversible HOV lane Commuter express service 80% choice ridership Current The existing facility, while successful, has limitations in its effectiveness to serve a growing corridor. Existing I-15 Facility Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 10 Increased Use of HOV Lanes 21,300 Vehicles; 16,100 2+HOVs Funds transit service 100% costs of commuter express route Improved trip reliability Facilitates carpools, transit, and solo driving Managed Lanes in San Diego Existing I-15 Facility

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 11 Goals Need to ensure free-flow conditions for BRT Desire to extend Fastrak value pricing program Ability to respond to traffic emergencies Design for long-term needs Conclusions Pursue 4-lane managed lanes facility with moveable barrier Extend FasTrak value pricing program Incorporate direct access ramps and BRT stations as integral part of project I-15 Managed Lanes Design Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 12 Downtown North I-15 Corridor 8-mile reversible HOV lane Commuter express service 80% choice ridership Current 20-mile Managed Lane facility Direct access ramps to stations State-of-the-art highway coaches $700 million capital investment This approach creates a cost-effective, multi-modal facility, one that helps to broaden support for HOV/Managed Lanes. Future Managed Lanes in San Diego I-15 Managed Lanes Design

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 13 Movable Barrier Main Lanes Managed Lanes Merge Lanes Merge lanes provide safe access to and from managed lanes. FasTrak card readers Managed Lanes in San Diego I-15 Managed Lanes Design

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 14 FasTrak Only Typical Variable Message Toll Sign CURRENT TOLL 20¢ / Mile $1.00 MINIMUM $3.00 MAXIMUM MANAGED LANES (NO CASH) 20¢ / Mile 20¢ / Mile 10¢ / Mile 10¢ / Mile 10¢ / Mile 30¢ / Mile 30¢ / Mile This strategy offers the best demand management; complexity can be handled through education. Question: How to handle value pricing with multiple access points? Solution: Skewed rates strategy I-15 Value Pricing Strategy Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 15 Main Lanes Managed Lanes Direct Access Ramps BRT Station/ Park-n-Ride Freeway median station would create an unpleasant waiting environment and added walk times. North I-15 BRT Design Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 16 Direct Access Ramp/BRT Design NorthNorth NB Main Lanes SB Main Lanes Managed Lanes To: Del Lago Station Office Buildings Park-n-Ride Lots Location of Possible Future Parking Structure BRT Station The direct access ramps are also open to carpools and FastTrak users. From: Sabre Springs/ Penasquitos Station Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 17 BRT Station Customer Experience Unique architectural design and customer amenities provide the feel & comfort of a rail station Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 18 Two Types of BRT Trunk Line, all day service Point-to-Point, commute service Remote Stations/Park & Ride BRT Stations All Day Trunk Service Point to Point North Kearny Mesa/Downtown Escondido Del Lago/South Escondido Rancho Bernardo Sabre Springs/ Penasquitos Mira Mesa BRT Service Strategy Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 19 Develop park-and-rides at both: - I-15 BRT stations - “Remote” neighborhood stations Remote park-n-rides offer: - Closer access to neighborhoods - Less traffic impacts at I-15 stations - More cost-effective than I-15 station parking lots or structures I-15 BRT station designs allows adding parking structures at later date Park-n-Ride Strategy Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 20 I-15 success has lead to inclusion of several Managed Lanes/BRT corridors in 2030 Regional Transportation Plan I-5 I-805 SR 52 A Regional Commitment I-15 Managed Lanes in San Diego

Weighing the Scenarios: The Costs and Benefits of Future Transit Service Produced for MTDB by The Mission Group © 2000 by The Mission Group. 21 San Diego Association of Governments